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Lyla's POV :
I'd be lying if I said I had never heard of Simon Minter. Of course I knew who he was, my best friend Nia was obsessed with him. When I say obsessed, I mean obsessed. She went to all of his meet ups, got all of his merch and she always spoke about him. Me, well let's be honest, I can't stand him. He really thinks he is something, he makes me so angry- I can't even watch his videos because he makes me want to throw my phone at the wall.
He is pretty fit though.

Nia's POV :
As I looked around my bedroom I realised what I was doing with my life- absolutely nothing. I spent so many hours watching YouTube and I was always late with projects at school. The Sidemen was taking over my life. Simon was taking over my life. I had met him multiple times but he would never remember me, to him I am just like any other fangirl. It's sad really.
I wish Lyla would watch the sidemen, she watches JJ occasionally and sometimes she watches Vikk with her younger cousins but she doesn't watch Simon. She hates Simon and I don't really know why. He is the cutest human ever. And he makes the best YouTube videos. It's a shame we can't fangirl together. I'm not girly but when it comes to fangirling, I might as well be wearing a pink cheerleading outfit and doing cartwheels everywhere. If you didn't get the point, I am the biggest most girly fangirl ever.

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