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Nia's POV:
Simon was calming down. He was sat back now just staring into space, the thought of losing a best friend fears me; what was going through his head?

"Simon, I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" I still can't believe what happened next. He cautiously sat up and looked at me, "yeah." He grabbed my head pulling us closer towards each other, I could feel his warm breath against my face, "you." He smashed his lips against mine, he was rough, I didn't know what to do. "Kiss me back." Simon gritted through his teeth. I couldn't find the time to kiss him back, it all went too quickly. "Nia! Kiss me back!" By now he had pulled away and was looking into my eyes.

When he went back in- I kissed back. It was magical. I loved this man so much, and now I knew that he loved me too.

We couldn't let go from each other  until we ran out of breath. "Simon..."
"shhh baby girl..."
He dragged me onto his lap, leaning back making me lie on his stomach. He was kissing all over my face and all down my neck- then he found my sweet spot. I let out a moan, making him chuckle.

His large warm hands were under my tshirt going up my back making my shiver, "stop teasing Simon..." his hands went down my back heading towards leggings.

"*cough cough* hi guys!"

Shit. Meg and Josh was standing in the door way. How long had they been there for?

"We'll leave you two to it, but none of that please, not while we're in the house..." Meg cringed and they both walked out pulling the doors together.

"Nia, I don't know what I was thinking, I-"
I placed my lips against his pulling away before he could kiss back.
"I'm not complaining." A smile spread across his face and he leant closer to me.
"Let's go see how Josh is."
"Such a tease."

Simons POV:
Dinner was slightly uncomfortable. JJ was in LA sorting out something to with his music and Lyla was at the hospital because her dad was in after drinking too much. That left Meg, Josh, Nia and me.
Josh broke the silence, "so you two then" pointing at Me and Nia, "you're an item now?"
I blushed like a huge wet tomato. Nia was looking at me with hopeful eyes. I made things official, "yeah, I think we are."
Nia and Meg looked at eachother before bursting out "SQUEEEEEEE!" then they got up and elbow bumped. Was there something I was missing?
"Sorry, we've done that ever since we was little," Nia apologised.
"Tradition." Meg added. I laughed then whispered to Josh, "what have we got ourselves into?"
He laughed and shrugged before I said, "are you okay then?" all I got was a smile and a nod back, he didn't want to talk about it.

The rest of the night went really well; we laughed, we joked, we ate. A lot.
This is how I wanted it to be. No drama.
"I miss Lyla, I was her friend for so long..." Nia randomly said.
Meg cheered her up before I had the chance to, "She's gone to see her dad, she will be back celebrating as soon as she hears about you two!"
"I just can't help but feel bad because-"
"Nothing happened with us she'll be fine!" I say wrapping my arm around my new girlfriend.
"Well then, we'll leave you to it, me and Josh have some... making up to do," both Meg and Josh blushed when she said that.
"So how comes when we are in the house together we can't do it, but you can?" Nia laughed.
"Well if you want to do it, do it now!"
Josh and Meg ran upstairs and Nia gave me an innocent smile. This was going to be a good night.

A lot happened this chapter


k lol bye

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