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I saw Vic running from the end of the dark street.

I knew it was him, even though everything was a silhouette in this place. That plastic bag swinging in his hand was what made me sure. I was on the opposite side of the street, much further up than him, and at first I wondered what he was running from until I saw the blue uniform. Then I knew we were fucked.

Vic charged down the sidewalk and slammed into the door of a church. It flung open without complaint and Vic fell inside. The cop followed him, slamming into the door just as Vic had, but this time it didn't budge. Vic had locked it from the inside. I smiled. Good on him.

Then came the sirens. Dozens of them. All roaring into the night like a pack of wolves howling at the moon. Red and blue lights came tearing up the road and stopped at the church, where police officers endlessly piled out of vehicles like those funny-looking clowns pile out of tiny cars for show. They drew their weapons and pointed it at the church, waiting for Vic to come out.

I knew that I had to do something. Ten more seconds and the building would be completely surrounded. I had to stop this; I had to protect Vic.

"Do something, do something!" I yelled at myself.

But what could I do? I couldn't stop them from arresting Vic. But then another thought entered my head, a stupid and reckless one, but I knew I had no time to analyse it. I crossed the street silently, keeping to the shadows, and went around back. There was a door, untouched, and luckily, unlocked.

The door swung open to the main prayer room. The church alter was at the front, followed by fifteen teen or so rows of wooden bench-like chairs. I heard Vic's footsteps run up to the belltower and I didn't bother following him. In about four seconds, I found the main entrance. I glanced up towards the tower, knowing Vic was up there, knowing he'd never make it out of this. If he got caught, what did that leave me with? And more importantly, what hope would his sick kid have?

I shot for the main entrance, the door Vic had entered, and unlocked it. I burst out onto the street, facing the blinding white lights, and tore down the sidewalk. Voices behind me screamed for me to stop, some even let out a few warning shots from their guns, but I kept running.  I ducked into an alleyway, hearing the sirens roaring behind me, as their cop cars fit narrowly into the alley. I jumped homeless people and rubbish and feral cats, but some poor rat was flattened under my foot. Voices bellowed from behind me, but I ignored it. Keep running. Get them away from Vic. That was my only thought, my only priority. Dumb, yes.

But worth it.

© A.G. Travers 2015

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