Chapter 6

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Lying on the bed, I stared up blankly at the ceiling, thinking about the horrible things that happened. I couldn’t sleep. And I couldn’t get Victoria off my mind.

I started to come up with the best reasons why she had cheated on me; but none of it made sense.

Did I do something stupid to her? NO. Did I fail to make her feel how much I loved her? No, I didn’t think so. But why did she do this to me then? And of all people she could have dumped me for, why did it had to be Niall?!

I knew deep inside my heart that I still love her and that she’d be sorry for what she’d done. But just the thought of her, kissing Niall was already enough for me to hate her.

We promised that we would stay together forever and nothing could break us apart. But then, I came to realize that there is no such thing as FOREVER. And it would NEVER happen, not even in my WILDEST dreams.

I rose up from the bed and I ran my fingers through my curls as I leaned my head against the wall. Darkness filled the room but the moon’s light glistened through the window, enough for me to see the time on the clock at the nightstand.

It was already past 3 in the morning. Silence spread around the house and all I could hear was the buzzing of the cicadas outside and the sound of my heavy breathing.

I know that I wanted to cry, hoping that maybe, it could help me feel better - better off than with the hatred and anger that was welling up inside of me. But there weren’t even tears forming at the end corners of my eyes.

I remembered Sandra’s words when she tried to comfort me, “Everything will be fine, Harry.” I hope she was right, because I didn’t want her to get involved anymore with whatever shit I was going through. The comfort I found with her was already enough for me to realize that I wasn’t alone. And that I was also lucky for being her best friend.

Rebecca let me stay for the night. And when I told her about everything that happened, I was already expecting that she was going to slap me on my face for what happened to Sandra, her only daughter. But the woman was only good to me and just hugged me whilst telling me comforting words.

I wasn’t ready to go home yet. I know, Mum and Gemma (I wasn’t still sure, on what was my sister doing here?) would just nag me about everything - most especially, George, ‘coz his son was involved in this. But I didn’t want them to worry even more about me. I was already twenty and I could already handle things myself. This was a fight between me and Niall, and I would be the one to finish things between us.

But the question is did I do something bad for him to hate me like this?

I know he never wanted his dad marrying my mum, but what could he still do about it? Does he blame us for the death of his mum?

After dragging myself out of the bed, I walked towards the door as I slowly opened it. I wanted to spend time with myself alone, thinking that it could help me forget everything that happened.

I walked down the stairs in silence and when I reached the living room, I saw Sandra’s dog wake up.

“Hi, love. Sorry for waking you up. Tell Sandra that I’m just going off somewhere. Tell her, I’ll talk to her later, okay?” I told the dog as I rubbed and kissed the top of her head.  She only made a soft whine and wiggled her tail as if she understood everything I told her.

I smiled at the dog before I reached the door, slowly opening it.

The cool breeze of the night welcomed me the moment I got out. Rebecca’s car key was still with me but I realized that if I used her car, I would just wake her and Sandra up. So instead, I started jogging off the driveway.

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