Chapter 1

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I was awakened by a familiar voice singing a Happy Birthday song to me. Half-asleep, I opened my eyes and I saw the angelic face of my mother who was sitting beside me on my bed. Her brown eyes gleamed as she smiled at me. She was holding a small, round, blue cake with numerous lighted candles on it.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart!” Mom said sweetly.

“Thanks, Mom.” I smiled, as I sat up on my bed, rubbing the sleepiness off my eyes. “Good morning, Tetsu!” I greeted my dog, kissing the top of her head right after the moment she jumped onto my bed. She barked and wiggled her tail as if she was greeting me a Happy Birthday too.

 “Make a wish!” Mom said as she pushed the cake closer to my face.

I still couldn’t believe that it was my birthday again. It seemed like I was just a seven-year old girl yesterday, but now, I’m already twenty. I’m a grown-up lady now.

Time passed too swiftly. 

Closing my eyes, I started to think of the best wish that I could ask for this time. I took my time to think.


It seemed like someone put the name of this one person that I have been waiting to come back for over the years inside my mind.

Niall. He was my childhood best friend. And it’s been 10 years now since the last time I saw him after his family moved back to Ireland. 

He had always been my knight in shining armor. Even though, kids at our age didn’t like me, he was still good to me. Playing and spending time with him had been the best moment of my childhood life. Nothing could ever be so precious than our memories together.

Now we were grown up, I wonder if he was still that cute Irish boy who never failed to put a smile on my face and who was always there to protect me. 

Days, months and years might have passed but I never stopped thinking of him. He promised me that he’d be back and I’ve been waiting and waiting for that day to come. 

“I wish to see Niall again.” I prayed silently, hoping someone above could hear my simple wish. 

Opening my eyes, I blew the candles in front of me with a big hope inside my heart. Mom kissed me on my cheek. “Happy Birthday, sweetheart!” she said again. 

Glancing at my side, I looked at the pictures placed above my study table. One of them was a photo of me and Niall taken during our school Halloween party in fifth grade. Niall was wearing a Peter Pan costume and I went as Tinkerbell. And remembering that memory made me realized that it was our last picture together. 

And I missed him. I missed everything we had together. 

But the question is what if we see each other again? Would he still remember me? 


After fixing myself, I headed down and I saw mom busy preparing breakfast. I always loved helping her in the kitchen. This had always been our best bonding activity to do together. Sometimes, she would teach me her inherited recipes from my late grandmother. 

The best way through a man’s heart is by his stomach, she would say as if it was the best love potion a woman could ever have.

I volunteered slicing the vegetables for mom’s chicken dish. “Mom, what was Dad’s favorite food?” I asked cautiously as I continued to slice the carrots into cubes. 

Topics about Dad had always been the hardest questions for Mom to answer. There were times that she would just give me a brief answer, and then she would immediately change the subject as if she never wanted to talk about him again. I couldn’t blame her. I understand if she wasn’t ready yet. But I know, I still have the right to know more about Dad. I don’t have any memories with him and asking Mom what kind of person he was, was already a big thing for me. 

Remember Me (A Niall Horan and Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat