Chapter 4

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“Leave her alone!”

All of our eyes turned to look at the familiar voice who spoke. It was Harry! But it made my eyes after seeing a big bruise on his right jaw and dried droplets of blood stained his white shirt as if he’d been on a massive fight before coming here.

Niall took his hand off my face, though I could feel a twinge of pain on my cheeks. He stepped backed when Harry started to walk towards us.

“Harry, what are you doing here?!” I asked him, shocked. “What happened to you?!” With Harry’s sudden appearance, I felt something strange inside my heart. I already had my best friend beside me and I should be feeling safe now; but there was something, an uncomfortable feeling inside me telling me that something bad was about to happen now.

Shaking the ridiculous thought off my mind, I pulled myself away from the grip of the two girls on my arms. And I felt them ache.

“Sandra, are you okay?” Harry asked me with a worried look on his face, oblivious to my question.

“I’m fine. What are you doing here?” I replied, then Harry suddenly wiped with his thumb, a stray tear rolling down my cheek.

“Oh, so, you’re still alive?” Niall grudged, as he gave Harry a deadly look. Harry looked at him the same way.

Wait. Niall knew Harry?! But how?!

“You’re going to pay for this, Niall!” Harry barked, turning to face Niall. “I won’t let anyone hurt my best friend!” And I was shocked, tension running through my veins after he grabbed Niall by the collar of his shirt.

He was taller than him that was why he had the advantage. But seeing this kind of people surrounding us, I knew that this wasn’t the right place for them to fight. Besides, I didn’t want Harry to get hurt again.

“Don’t touch me, douche bag!” Niall pushed Harry off him making my best friend stumble backwards. Chairs and tables fell, making glass to shatter.

My best friend managed to help himself stand and I heard myself scream right after the moment, Niall and Harry started to beat each other’s faces. The people around us were just looking. Some of them were cheering like they were watching a big boxing match.

“HARRY, NIALL, STOP IT PLEASE!!” I heard Victoria scream, but it was no use. Niall and Harry continued to fight.

Blood started to heat up inside my body. I could feel my cheeks heating up from my anger. This was all Victoria’s fault! She cheated on my best friend and she should be the one paying for all of this!

I wanted to punch Victoria straight in her face. If it wasn’t for her, none of this would have happened. Harry wouldn’t have gotten hurt. And I would never have to see Niall like this.

Hot tears started to form at the end corners of my eyes as I stood between Harry and Niall. “STOP IT, PLEASE!!” I cried. Blood was already streaming down Harry’s nose and there was already a cut at the end corner of Niall’s mouth.

“GET OUT OF HERE!” Niall pushed me and I met the floor. And it just made the scenario worse. I saw Harry get angrier. He grabbed Niall by his shirt’s collar again, their faces were just inches away from each other. “I said no one hurts my best friend!” he growled and started punching Niall on his face.

“HARRY, STOP IT!!” I begged. Suddenly, I felt a throbbing pain. And when I looked at my trembling hands, I was terrified after realizing that my right hand was bleeding from a glass cut.

“Police are coming!!” shouted a man, but it didn’t stop Harry and Niall from fighting. They continued and after hearing the police’ sirens, the people started to run, leaving me, Harry, Niall and Victoria alone.

Remember Me (A Niall Horan and Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu