Chapter 4

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I awoke to hushed voices talking anxiously a few feet away. "Twenty-thousand pounds?"
"Twenty-thousand pounds."
I wanted to writhe in pain, cry out, scream, anything but I stopped myself, knowing I may learn something of importance, even if I never had a chance to relay the information.
"Tell him I will go ten thousand, no higher."
"But sir," I recognized André's voice, tight with stress, "if we give him what he wants, stroke his ego for a short time, we can put a stop to this rebellion. Is that not a fair price for the countless British lives that will be lost if we continue this meaningless fighting?"
"Do you truly believe what he says?"
     Something shifted and a map was unfurled.
     "I do, sir. He is one of the closest assets into Washington himself that we could ever hope for. If we can take West Point, we can divide the northern colonies from the southern, cut their supplies and ammunition, perhaps even capture George Washington himself."
My mind reeled. They were obviously talking about a potential spy and, with access to West Point, they truly could end this war in a few short weeks.
"We should not be talking about this here," the other person said, "your prisoner could wake up any moment."
"General, she is condemned to death. Even if we told her all the inner workings of this army, it would do the rebels no good."
He must be speaking to General Howe himself, I thought, incredulously.
     "Major André, she is a spy. I'm sure there are more like her in this very camp. She cannot know anything. Have I made myself clear?"
There was no answer, and it became evident that they had moved outside to finish their conversation. I warily opened my eyes, barely able to process all that I had just heard. 
     A spy that close to Washington? Impossible. If this were true, it could be any number of people. Charles Lee, Alexander Hamilton, Benedict Arnold, John Laurens, or even the Marquis de Lafayette were in a position close to him, but I didn't suspect any of them.
I had to tell Benjamin, that much I was sure of, but there was no way possible to contact him without raising suspicion. 
     The tent flapped open and I resumed my sleeping position as André came back in alone. He sat behind his desk and began writing something, looking up at me every now and then. I pretended to wake up slowly and asked quietly, "What are you doing awake this early in the morning?"
He looked up, a little startled and explained, "I'm drawing. Do you feel any better with the wound closed?"
"A little, and I don't feel as feverish. What, if I may ask, are you drawing?"
"You," he said a little sheepishly, holding up a half finished sketch of my sleeping position. "I hope you aren't offended, it is simply what I do in what little spare time I have."
"I'm not." I was silent after that, trying not to ask what I really wanted to ask. "Major?" I said, taking a deep breath, "why are you being kind to me?"
He scoffed lightly, "I'm not being nice to you, I'm merely treating you how any civilized person would treat a prisoner of war. There aren't many civilized people here in your opinion, I suppose."
"I'm not a prisoner of war," I tried to argue, but he held up a hand and replied, "You are a spy. That much is clear. Why else would the Continental Army send the orphaned daughter of a prominent Connecticut family to deliver petty letters to York City? And you said yourself that you are a doctor for the camp."
I cringed. In my halfway delirious state, I had given away any last hope of convincing them of my innocence.
"Are you familiar with Samuel Culper?" He mused, not threateningly but with firmness. "Why does it matter? I am already sentenced, why should I tell you anything?"
"Because, Miss Adams, your other option is to face Simcoe to answer the same questions and I cannot protect you from him."
He was right. I would have to say something, it didn't even have to be true. "I am familiar with Samuel Culper, yes. But you will never know who he is."
     "Tell me, Louisa, are you aware of Mister Nathan Hale's execution tonight?"
     My stomach dropped and my breath became short. "What are you talking about? Nathan Hale? He is-"
     "A spy? We know."
  "No!" I shouted, trembling in fear. Benjamin was planning to meet with Nathan when I left for New York, I thought despairingly. "Was he," I formed my words carefully, hoping not to give away any information that would put them in danger, "captured before me?"
     "The same day. It seems as if spies are being discovered all over the Royal Army. Which leads us to wonder, how many more are there?"
I didn't answer. If it was the same day, could they both be captured? Wouldn't André have mentioned if Benjamin had been taken too? "Can I see him?" I begged, sitting up painfully.
     "You will be present for the hanging, yes, but you haven't answered my question. Where are the others?"
      I tightened my petticoat around my waist above the bandages and tried to stand before collapsing on the floor next to the bed in agony. "Please, Major, I have to know something. I beg you to let me talk to him, I just," he helped me to my feet and I took him by the shoulders, "need to ask him something before I die."
     He began guiding me back to the cot calmly but I tried to push him away, pleading for him to at least ask someone if I could see him. I was desperate to know if Benjamin had been captured.
     Nathan Hale was the only hope I had left.


And I know this is 100% messed up timeline wise and that the spy ring wasn't even in EXISTENCE when Hale was executed but I'm desperate to make this not just André and Louisa chatting in a tent for a gazillion chapters because that would get super boring.

Of Wildflowers and GunpowderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora