“And he punched Kev when he went after him to explain?”

                She wasn’t looking for an answer she had already heard that part, she was just repeating it to amuse herself. I didn’t even move from where I was, scowling up at the ceiling.

“Oh I’m sorry, Sal, it’s just a really funny misunderstanding. And you haven’t gone to apologize to him or even talked to him for the past three days? You’re right, he probably hates you,” Ash said nodding with her amused smile still in place.

“And whose fault is it that I haven’t talked or apologized to him?” I glared at her from the couch.

“Oh don’t blame this on me, you still have your phone! You’re probably just too much of a coward to text him,” Ash said raising an eyebrow at me.

                She was right, though, I was too much of a coward to text him, but, what if he didn’t answer my texts and I ended up making a fool out of myself? Needless to say, I wasn’t about to tell my mom that. Not on this life.

“This isn’t something you solve through texts, this is something that needs to be solved face to face and you won’t let me go talk to him.” I glared at her.

“I didn’t know! I assumed he was the one at fault here, you never even cared to explain it properly to me. You never care to explain things properly to me, you never even told me he stood up for you when Brent picked on you,” Ash said raising an eyebrow at me.

                That was true, but in my defense she had been Asshole Ash back then and who knows how she would’ve reacted to Ollie breaking Brent’s nose.

“So can I go talk to him?” I gave her my most pleading look.

                Right then the doorbell rang and Ash gave me a questioning look, I groaned and leaned my head back on the couch.

“I bet its Em, she probably came back to bitch at me some more and tell me how stupid I am for getting injured and taking up a week of band practice from her precious little schedule.”

                Ash smiled and got up.

“I’ll let her in then,” she said going to the door.

                I groaned and Ash laughed as she reached the door and opened it, and I felt the change in her mood almost immediately. I raised my head from the back of the couch and turned to look towards the door, where Ash looked like she was glaring at someone and I wondered who was there.

“What do you want?” She said –more like snapped, if you asked me.

“I want to talk to Sal,” said a husky sexy voice I recognized.

                Ollie was here! I scrambled to get off the couch and go to the door, both my thigh and my shin protesting at me putting my weight on them. He wanted to talk to me, he didn’t hate me! I stood there hidden behind the door waiting for Ash to move already.

Tainted: Listening to the Silence (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now