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You guys must know this already but I just wanted to remind you, most of the names I use for stuff like bands and restaurants are completely made up. But yeah, Breaking Benjamin and A Day to Remember and Pierce the Veil and Skillet and Seventh Wonder and all the other bands like those that I have named throughout this story are real XD I mean like Cinematic Paradise and Tainted, they're totally made up and there is no band, that appears in google, with those names.

I thank all of you guys that vote for every chapter that comes out and that always comment :3 I don't know what I would do without you guys. I swear you make my life happier ^^

Anyway, let me know what you think!

I hope you enjoy,

-> Desyre


                Oh my God. This had to be the closest thing to the actual hell. It just had to.

                It was all a long list of mistakes and disastrous events that had been building up until they created hell. Or the next best thing. It all started about a week ago, right after the weekend of our second gig. The first big mistake on the list, going to school. School was just torture right now. I had even thought about skipping some days. This particular mistake was more like a routine thing that happened every day for the past week. It started on the morning when I, as usual, came to school with Sal. We walked together to the classroom, seeing as we had first period together. I had been holding Sal’s hand because I knew he needed the contact right now. He turned to look at me as if to tell me something, when a teacher cleared his throat in front of us.

“PDAs are not allowed in school,” the teacher said glaring at our hands.

“But it’s just holding hands. Many couples in school hold hands.”

                The teacher stared blankly at Sal, and it was obvious he didn’t understand what he’d said. I couldn’t help but shake off the feeling that he’d done it on purpose. Everybody knows by now that I can talk, but just prefer not to.

“Alright,” I said, nodding and giving Sal a look to shut him up.

“The next time, it won’t be a warning Oliver,” the teacher said before walking away.

                Sal turned to glare at me and I gave him a look. I didn’t want to get us in trouble. Sal sighed and just slumped back on his chair. He wasn’t particularly happy about that. I touched his arm to bring has attention back to me. I gave him a small smile. We would still be together after classes, during recess, and after school. Teachers couldn’t keep us from touching when they weren’t watching. Sal sighed again but gave me one of his lazy smiles. He still wasn’t happy about it but he knew I had a point. The class started and went by without event, the teacher didn’t bother neither Sal nor me. When the bell rang both Sal and I got up, picking up our stuff and walking together to the door. I was planning on walking Sal to his next class. The teacher called me up to his desk, though. Sal stayed there waiting for me and the teacher glared at him.

Tainted: Listening to the Silence (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now