7) Tangled in the Great Escape *

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 Chapter 7 - Tangled in the Great Escape

I rolled over on my bed and groaned from the irritating ringing that was coming from my phone. After talking for a little bit at the cliff, Vic dropped me off at my house when I realized my dad wasn't even home since he'll be in Las Vegas for five days attending a wedding. I was upset that my dad hasn't tried to call me or contacting me, it feels like he didn't give a damn about me. What if I got run over? Or something happened to me? He's different when he's drunk, so I don't understand why he hadn't called me now that he was sober. Does he even care about me anymore?

My annoying phone was still ringing, I grabbed it off of the floor and unplugged its from the charger. Rolling over so I was just staring up at the blank ceiling, I closed my eyes and put my hand over my head before answering the call.

"Who is this, and why are you calling me at this time in the morning." I groaned. I was definitely not a morning person, it was 9am God's sake! I only went to bed six hours ago.

"Iris! Get your ass out of bed and come over to my house, we have to tell you something!" Vic chirped.

"I'm sure it can wait until I get eight hours of sleep." I replied in a monotone voice.

"Please! Pretty please!" Vic whines.

"Fine, I'll be there soon." Hanging up, I rolled out of bed... no seriously, I rolled out of my bed and landed on the floor before crawling to my dresser.

Standing up, I picked out a red flannel and black skinny jeans before climbing down stairs and getting changed, leaving the buttons on the flannel undone with a white tank top underneath. Afterwards I fixed my hair and applied eyeliner.

Once I finally thought I looked decent, I slipped on my red toms and grabbed my keys and phone. Walking out of my house I realized I didn't have any gas in my truck. Sighing, I wandered around the back of the house and caught sight of the extra gas can my dad always kept for emergencies.

"Thank God," I said relieved. Grabbing the can I walked back to my truck and filled her up. 

I arrived at the Fuentes' house a few minutes later and walked up to the front door, realizing it was unlocked I just walked in. In the kitchen I spotted Vivian.

"In the garage, Sweetheart." She smiled. She had flour all over her face, must have been baking....

I walked over to the garage door, which was open slightly. Yelling could be heard between the boys. Were they arguing?

"Just tell her dude! Don't be a wuss!" A voice I knew as Jaime's said.

"I don't know, she's fragile." Vic mumbled.

"You love her, so do it! Ask her out!" That was Mike. Vic liked a girl? And didn't tell me? I sighed and opened the door, immediately feeling everyone's eyes on me.

"Hi." I waved awkwardly.

"Iris we have something to tell you!" Jaime exclaimed, breaking the silence.

"And what would that be?" I asked, walking over to where they were standing.

"Vic you tell her.," Tony spoke up.

"Tell me what?" I asked, throwing my hands in the air.

"Well...." Vic trailed off in a sad tone. "WE ARE GOT SIGNED BY AN UNDERGROUND RECORD LABEL AND WE'RE GOING TO BE MAKING DEMOS AND SO MUCH MORE!" He said excitedly, wrapping his arms around me tightly.

Before I knew it, I was in the middle of a tight group hug. Shock began to set in; I always knew this day would come.

"I'm so happy for you!" I managed to cough out, almost choked by the group hug. "Um, you guys... can't breathe." I let out a tight laugh.

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