Chapter 2

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Hey guys COL here! I loved this tribute and thought I would share it.☺ Hope you guys like it too. Please leave a comment if you have the time and let me know if anyone likes this story, and I absolutely LOVE suggestions.😍 So yeah enjoy the story. Popcorn anyone?🍿

Ezra's pov

What is Kanan's issue! I don't want to share my problems with him or really anyone. So now after our whole ordeal I'm stuck here with ponytail, just great. I sat on the floor in the corner of Kanan's room praying he would just go away and leave me alone. Kanan was just sitting by the door across the room starring at me. I looked around the room for a vent but was unlucky to find that the only one in my master's room was too small. Crap......... Maybe I could use my lightsaber and cut down the door? I searched myself for it but it wasn't hooked on my belt or on me at all, so I looked around the room. Well the good news is I found it, bad news Kanan had it on his belt hook with his lightsaber. He most of snagged it from me in the middle of the struggle. Crap....

Kanan's pov

Well I got Ezra to finally settle down after about 30 minutes of struggling and I managed to sneak his lightsaber away from him. Now he can't do anything too stupid. I don't understand this kid, he is sitting in the corner of my room with a stare that could melt metal but when I look deep into his eyes I see pain and fear. Wouldn't you just get it out and tell someone what you are feeling? Doesn't he trust me? I tried to send calm and comfort through the bond but he kept pushing me back. I decided to try something else since we seem to not know each other as much as I thought, simple questions that aren't too personal. "Hey are you okay" I said trying to see if he would be in the mood for questions. "I'm fine" Ezra said not making eye contact with me. "Okay then...... What is your favorite color?" Wow that sounded so dumb. "Blue." Wait he answered me? He answered me! He still didn't make eye contact but that's a start. Okay let's try "What is your favorite food?" ...... He isn't answering. "War heads." He answered again and finally made eye contact even though it was a bit more like a glare. Still counts right? I saw Ezra try to open his mouth as if to say something but had changed his mind. I looked down at the floor but shot straight back up when I heard a mumble from across the room. "What did you say?" I asked wondering what was said. "What is your favorite food?" He asked me something, major improvement. "Well I love garlic toast, like the kind Hera makes. Do you like any sports?" The kid had to of played something in his life at some point. His eyes immediately sparked with joy when I popped the question. "I really love soccer! My dad and me we used to-...." He paused now and had his head hung. Why did he pause? Then I realized what might be bothering him. During meditation you can feel things from the others past through the bond, I most of been to close to them for his comfort. Poor kid. I decided to move closer to him to try and break down barriers, so I sat down next to him in the corner. At first he tried to shuffle away with his head still hung but I genitally grabbed his arm on his other side and with my other arm pulled his head up to mine to make eye contact. What I saw broke my heart. He had tears forming in his eyes, through them I felt his pain. "Ezra you and your father used to what?" Man I hoped that the question didn't hurt him even though I was sure it had. "We would play soccer together outside and mom would make sandwiches for us, and later we would all read stories together." He was now in tears and shaking violently. Soon he started to mumble and then that turned into screams. I don't understand what is happening but then it dawned on me. He is having a panic attack crap! I quickly tried to calm him down by sending comfort through the force but it didn't seem to be working. What I did next I think surprised both of us. I hugged him as tightly as I could as he wept into my chest. My shirt was soaked but I didn't care. Soon he calmed down and started to hiccup so I patted his back and ran my fingers through his hair to calm him down some more. "Hey it's okay I'm here and I won't go anywhere. I'm here.", Hopefully he won't push me away again I thought, but to my surprise he didn't. We remained like this for quite some time going through the cycle of hiccups and comforting comments. Soon he was still and quiet. Did he fall asleep? I genitally turned him over to find that it was true. I smiled and carried him bridal style to my bed and laid him down, then I removed our lightsabers from my belt and placed them in the secret drawer below and locked it. Well this is going to be a long night. I decided to make myself comfortable by pulling up a chair and placed it next to my bed. I kissed Ezra's head as I sat down on the chair and ran my fingers through his hair and to my surprise he melted into my touch. I smiled, how could such a sweet child go through so much pain and manage to keep their feelings bottled up inside their heart. Not that it was right to do after all in the end it destroyed him emotionally. I was crushed by the thought. I soon felt myself drift away into sleep, praying he would make it through the night but I soon found myself corrected....

 I soon felt myself drift away into sleep, praying he would make it through the night but I soon found myself corrected

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Hey guys what did you think? A lot of drama here I know but we will get to the other good stuff
trust me.😉
As I said on the top of this chapter plz leave a comment on what you think of this chapter, good or bad or what you might like to see in this and I will take serious consideration to your ideas.🙂
Have a good day!
Col out.🤓

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