I went up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me back. His head was resting above my chest as he sat on the bed, and I was playing with his hair. "I forgive you" I said. "I know you do" he said softly. I laughed and let go of him walking out of my room and down the stairs with him right behind me.

We went down stairs and said good morning to my mom. Usually if a girl walks out of her room in the morning with a guy her parents will go loco, but my parents are used to him always coming in through my window and sleeping over with me. So they don't mind.

My mom gave us her traditional pancakes and we scarfed them down from how good they were, Colton even went for seconds.

"So, one week of school, how exciting!" my mom said picking up our dirty plates from the table. Those pancakes where something...

"Yeah, I honestly can't wait for school to just end. I'm slowly dying" I said. They chuckled at me as I rolled my eyes just at the fact of going o school. "Ok well off you go, you spent a little too much time on your pancakes today" my mom said shooing us out if the kitchen.

Going outside Colton opened the car door for me like he always does and we got in. Opening his vlogging camera he started vlogging. "we're on our way to school and we're very excited cause we only have a week left" he said driving, but with the camera on a handle he has placed in his car. "Yeah, I can't wait to leave that hell hole" I said laughing.

In ten minutes we reached the school. Getting out of the car we made our way in the building his arm around my waist, I loved it when he held me, it made me feel special.

We went to his locker first and he got his stuff out, then we went to mine. After getting what we needed we went to our history class together with mr McAllen as the teacher. The old guy with a grumpy attitude. How lovely.


"I don't know what u children eat!" Coach Martin yelled as he blocked his nose from the awful vomit smell. One of the students in our gym class puked while we ran laps around the gym. Let's just say the smell was torturous and had all of us cringing. "Class break for ten minutes until we manage to clean this since its in our way, if your not back by then you will get lunch detention. Ten minutes only!" Coach said standing next to the janitor man looking at the disgusting puke on the floor.

Me and Colton were the first out laughing. "I feel drained from those laps" I said. "We still have seven more to go." He said "Ugh!" I complained.

We went outside sitting on the bleachers until class started again. Apparently no one had the same idea as us cause we were the only people there. "Avery, can you be in one of my videos with me?" He asked. I felt my face go pale and I suddenly got nervous. "Your main videos?" I asked. "Yeah" he said. "I don't know Colt..." I said looking at him. "Cmon Avery, you don't mind being in my vlogs" he said.

"It's because vlogs are videos based on what we are doing that day, and I don't talk much in them." I said. "Just give it a try, for me" he said looking into my eyes. I wanted to say no but his deep blue eyes had a big affect on me. And just looking into them I said-


"Yes! Thank you Avery" he said hugging me. I hugged him back laughing but a glance at my watch had me pulling back. "We have two minutes left, let's get going" I said. We got up and walked back inside.

On our way to the gym we passed the boys restroom. The door opened and Charles came out. "Avery!" He called out.

Our school didn't have the classic mean girl that's a cheerleader, the Basketball jock who gets all the girls, the nerds, the goths. None of that. We did have cheerleaders but none of them controlled the school. We also had basket ball players, kind of the jocks but nobody was placed above anybody. Everybody new everybody as acquaintances, or just random known faces if that makes sense.

Charles was a basketball player, a jock as some people will say. The school doesn't label people, but Colton and I do label him the school's player. "Hi" he said catching up to us. Immediately Colton went from holding my hand to having his arms around my shoulder and squishing me to his side. Charles did notice that but still kept talking to me. "Hi Charles" I said back just being polite causing Cole to clear his throat loudly. He smiled thinking it would work on me, like he did to almost all the girls in this school.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to hit it up sometime you know" he said. Colt cleared his throat really loud again but he didn't stop talking, and I nudged Colton to get him to calm down. "Go out somewhere then maybe come back to my place and chill-"

"We really have to get to class" Colton said, cutting him off. Charles glanced at him and and received an intense glare from Colt. He brought me even closer to him, holding me tighter. "What do you say?" Charles asked.

"Please" I heard Colton whisper in a voice only I could here. I looked up at him- since I was 5'7 while he was 6'1- and I saw hurt in his eyes, I may be wrong though. "Please don't say yes, say no" he kept whispering to me.

Like I was even thinking about it. I had my eyes set on one person, and one person only. Going out with someone else is impossible to do. It feels like I'm cheating. Not with him since we aren't dating, but with myself and my feelings.

"I'm sorry Charles, but I'm just not interested at the moment, or anytime soon. You know we just finished finals and ..." I stopped not knowing what else to say since I was already making a ton of stuff up anyway. I looked at him hoping I didn't hurt his feelings.

But who am I kidding, hurt his feelings?! He was smirking, with no care in the world. "It's totally fine" he said jogging ahead of us only to catch up with a girl that passed. "Wow, is he not even coming to the rest of gym class" I said walking in with Colton, who was oddly quiet.

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