“Hey, are you okay?” My head snapped up in shock when I saw Sean standing beside me before he kneeled down and quickly snapped the chains before going for the cuffs. I nodded meekly, feeling too shocked as I looked back at the fight that was going on a few steps away from us.

Sean didn’t seem shocked at all as an enormous Sabertoothed tiger was holding the Drained between its massive jaws, the extended canines protruding through the male’s back as the animal shook its head wildly before flinging the Drained through the room.

I flinched at the impact, as it made the wall crack and crumble slightly while the Drained’s eyes widened in pain before he landed on the floor, hissing lowly. He didn’t have a chance to get up though; the Sabertooth pounced with a snarl while the Drained was still trying to collect its bearings.

The cuffs broke free and my gaze snapped at Sean, trying to keep the horrified shriek in the background before the unsettling silence filled the room. Fear clawed at my heart as I slowly stood up and backed away from the feline.

“Jacob, calm down, its just-“ Sean started towards me and reached his hand out to stop me from retreating any further before he was smashed to the floor, a very angry Sabertooth right on top of him.

He gulped, unable to move away or even blink while I stood there for a moment, frozen, as the Saber stepped closer until its head nearly hovered over Sean’s chest, its whole head covering his whole chest and then it curled its lips up and snarled deeply, warningly.

Sean’s hands slowly slid up to his chest in a non-threatening display while he coed, “Easy Paige, you’re not thinking straight right now. I was just trying to calm your mate down…” he stopped speaking when another growl rumbled through the room, the sound vibrating through the wall I was pressed up against.

“Wait a moment, you’re saying…Paige?”

The Saber lifted its huge head and flicked its brown tail, swishing it through the air as it made its way towards me. I gulped but stared in awe at the lethal beauty coming of her new form as she stalked closer, the eyes slitting until it was just a small, dark slip, eying me closely.

I could feel my wolf bashing against its hold before it howled out loud and charged again, this time succeeding in breaking through the invisible shield. The force of it made me stagger forwards until I felt myself pressed against warm and soft fur.

A purring rumble vibrated through the large body I was pressed up against and instinctively, I smiled and reached out to pet the soft brownish fur. I let out a hiss though as my wrists screamed in pain, pushing past the initial fear I felt and forcing me on my knees, my teeth gnashed together.

“Oh no….” Sean breathed as he followed Paige’s eyes when they dipped down towards my wrists, obviously swollen and quickly darkening to a deep-blue. Paige’s pupils went from small little slivers to a pool of blackness in the blink of an eye, the purr escalating to a growl until she turned around and roared out loud.

Dust twirled down from the wall and I heard a few rocks falling down from the force of the roar as my eyes were glued to my mate. She snarled and paced back and forth, her muscles bulging under the fur before she spun around again on a hiss, prowling towards me.

Searching For The Shifter Bloodline - Shifter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now