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~This will be the next sucked chapter... Mianhae... I hope that you like it...~

^G.S.S.'s room^

Irish: Hmmm... Okay... Firsty... I was walking by the lobby... Then, I walked out from the hotel... By the time I walked out from the door... A fancy car approuched me... 

Flash back:

Driver: *Came out from the car...* Good evening... Let me take you to your destination...

Irish: Uhhh---mm... You don't have to.... I can call a taxi...

Driver: Im sorry... But my master told me to make sure that you'll come safely...

Irish: Ohhh... Ok... If you insist...

End of Flash back

Irish: Well... Ofcoures... Im confused... But then... The driver stops... He brouth me in a Big place... More like a mansion for me...

~Sample??? -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>~

Irish: It was really big! I entered... I looked at all the rooms... Im surprised cause... When I opened the Big door... The lights go off---

Camille: And then?!

Tricia: Continue...

Allison: What happened...?!

Irish: Yah! I thought you're already sleeping!

Allison: Tsss... Just continue the story!

Irish: Okay okay... And then... The door closed... Im scared that time... I can't see a thing... Then... I felt somthing in my waist... It's like someones hugging me that time... I became cold...

Kc: Is it a ghost?!

Camille: I think so too! *shout*

Danica: irish... Stop scaring us!

Irish: Im not... Calm down.... I screamed!!!


Irish: Yahhh! Leave me alone!!! Ahhhhhhhhh! *trying to run* DONGHO-YAHHH!!!

Guy: Yes?

Irish: What?? Who are you???

~Then the lights opened...~

Guy: Surprise!!!

Irish: Aiiissshhh... Dongho!!! *hug him very tight*

Dongho: Whoa! Are you that surprised...?

Irish: You scared me!!!

Dongho: I did???

Irish: Ne...!

Dongho: *pout* 

Irish: Oh come on... Stop making pretty faces!

Dongho: *still pouting*

Irish: Tss... Alright fine...

Dongho: That's better...

End of Flashback

Irish: We ate, We dance, we talked and blah blah blah blah...

Allison: Nice one...

Irish: Hey, Im sorry...

Allison: Nah... It's okay... It's my fault too... Im not thinking that he's just worried... And I didn't even think of the thing that I can hurt him by bringing up the past...

Kc: Absolutely right....!

Tricia: Naku... Kala mo sya walang problema...

Kc: Wla naman po ahhh...

Tricia: Asus...

Ishi: But unnie... One question... DO YOU STILL LOVE HIM???

Allison: *nod*

Ishi: Nice:

Camille: Okay everybuds... let's sleep!

G.S.S.: OKAY!!

~Well... Weeks pass by... They packed all there things...~

~The day came... The day of their departure from the PH~


Ishi: Bye Bye PH! I will miss this place!!!

Danica: Me too!

Tricia: Where's the boys??

Kc: No Idea...

Allison: Hmmm... They must be at their room...

Tricia: I agree...

Allison: We should call them...

Camille: Yiiieee... Somebody's worried...

Allison: Am not...

~What will happen next??~

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