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~While their running.....~

^Danica and Kiseop^

Danica: Where's Tricia and Soohyun???

~Kiseop looked around then Finally he saw them.....~

Kiseop: There they are!

~Danica and Kiseop called them...~

Soohyun: Did you find them??

Kiseop: No but Kc called Danica earlier...

Tricia: What did she say?

Danica: She said their a little lost....

Soohyun: Let's find them then!

~They walk to fin them.... Along the way.... They saw Dongho and Irish sleeping...~

Kiseop: Hey! Wake up!

Dongho: Shhhhh.... She's sleeping..... Don't disturb....

Danica: Irish.... Are you alright?

~Irish woke up!~

Irish: Huh?? Yeah!

Soohyun: Let's go....

Irish: Where?

Tricia: Same.....

~Irish and Dongho stand up.... At the moment Irish got up... she's a little dizzy cause she just woke up.... She's about to fall when Dongho held her waist to guide her....~

Dongho: Be careful....

Irish: Thanks.....

~They walked together~

^Kibum and Allison's side^

~Kibum's still walking suddenly Allison was awaken....~

Allison: Oh.... Kibum-shhi..... you can put me down now....

Kibum: Ha?! No..... Go to rest!

Allison: I already did.....

Kibum: Oh... In that case..... Just stay in there...

Allison: Why?!

Kibum: i liked it when your in there!

Allison: *blush* Seriously.... take a rest... put me down...

Kibum: *sigh* Okay....

Allison: Thanks!

Kibum: That's all you'll do?

Allison: Why? You want me to say "YOUR WELCOME" for you? *teasing*

Kibum: May i do it???

Allison: Do what?

Kibum: This.... *kissed Allison on her cheeks*

Allison: Whoa? Did i say yes???

Kibum: Opppsssss... Sorry... But i can't take that back.... *teasing*

Allison: Haiiiizzzzz....

Kibum: You know???? Seriously? I haven't did that to any girls.... just you! *smiles*

Allison: Really?!

Kibum: Yeah!

~In the middle of their conversation..... Soohyun, Tricia, Kiseop and Danica came....~

Tricia: Hey!

Allison: Oh! Unnie!

Kibum: Did you find them???

Danica: No! but they said their lost.... Let's fin them together!

Allison: Ok!

~They walked together~

^Kevin and Ishi's side^

Ishi: Have the other guys find them yet???

Kevin: I don't know....

~While the're talking...... Ishi's friend pass by...~

Friend: Oh! Ishi! How are you?

Ishi: Oh! Hi! Im fine! how are you?

Friend: Im fine too..... Will you introduce me to your BF???

Ishi: Oh! He's not my BF.... He's just my friend....

Friend: Oh really??? haha! Just kidding... Okie... I have to go now!

Ishi: Bye....

Kevin: Did she just....

Ishi: Yes! haha!

Kevin: If ever i'll ask you to be my GF? What will you answer?

Ishi: It depends....

Kevin: Oh.....

Kiseop: Oh! Kevin!

Kevin: Kiseop!!!!!! Did you find them???

Dongho: Not yet!

Kevin: Oh! then let's continue....

Irish: Yeah!

What will happen next????

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