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~When Kc and Allison entered their dorm... The other mem were waiting for them...~

Tricia: So? Tell us what happened!!!

Kc: Hahahaha!

Allison: Yeah right?!

Ishi: Come on!

Irish: Plsssss...

Danica: PLSSSSSSS! Tell us!

Allison: Alright... Well actually... Kibum cried...

Tricia,Danica, Ishi, Irish, and Camille: What?! Why?

Allison: Cause... He thought That i didn't knew that he loves me! But i comfort him and tell him that i already knew it... Then he courted me and I answered him!

Girls: *cheers*

Tricia: Hey Kc!

Kc: Yes?

Tricia: When are you planning to answer Eli?

Kc: Huh? Answer? He haven't even courted me!

Ishi: What?!

Camille: Are you serious?!

Kc: *nod*

Allison: Ouch!

Danica: Ouchy indeed!

Kc: Tssss... Stop it you two! Let's just sleep ok?

All: OK!!

~Well... They go back to bed.... The others want to dream about ther BF's haha! They slept preety well... Aswell as the UKISS mem. ~

~The next morning... All of their phones vibrated!~

^Camille's phone^

From Xander: Morning my loves! Rise and Shine! Hve a Wonderful Day! Love you!

Camille: *giggles...*

^Ishi's Phone^

 From Kevin: Morning my Angel... I hope you'll have a nice day! LOVE YOU!

^Irish's Phone^

From Dongho: Hi sweetie... Gud morning! Have a nice day! LOVE YOU!

^Allison's Phone^

From Kibum: Morning to my dongsaeng!!! Hope you have a nice day w/ me! haha! LOVE YA!

^Tricia's Phone^

From Soohyun: First day to spend w/ my GF! Love you babes!

^Danica's Phone^

From Kiseop: Morning to my dearest Danica... You know what im going to do the whole day? It's to LOVE you w/ my whole heart! LOVE YA!

~The others recieve a LOVING and TOUCHING message from their BFs except for Kc cause she doesn't have a BF yet remember? Well... She recieved a message from Eli and it says... "When you walk out through your door... A sweet Hug and Kisses you'll recieve from me!~

Kc: What a cute quotes!

~Well They replied....~

Camille's reply: Love you more Xander!

Ishi's reply: Morning to my guadian Angel! Love you too!

Irish's reply: Haha! Sweetie? Haha! Cute... Love you too...

Allison's reply: Ofcoures I will! Love you Bummie...

Tricia's reply: Yeah! It is! Love you!

Danica's reply: I will LOVE you too... W/ my whole heart! Love you Seoppie!

Kc's reply: Haha! Really?? Okay... I'll try to walk out the door later! Haha! Cute quotes! Love it! :)

~Well... Kc did try it... Then... She's shocked of what she saw! Haha! It's the Dog that they saw last night... But it's alone... The dog was in a cute basket.... Then Eli left a note...~

~The note says... "Told yah! Haha! This Dog will represent me! I have the other Dog that will represent you... LOVE YOU!!! "

~After she red it... She immediately go to the Boy's dorm...~


~The door opened... Kevin opened it...~

Kevin: Kc?

Kc: Oh! Did I disturbed you guys???

Kevin: A little...

Kc: Mianhae... I just want to speak w/ Eli...

Kevin: Oh! Okie...

~Kevin called Eli...~

Kevin: Eli hyung! Kc wants to talk w/ you...

Dongho: They're awake already?!

Kevin: Yeah! Haha!

Dongho: I'll bring Bbo Bbo out for a walk...

Kibum: W/ Irish?

Dongho: *nods*

Kibum: Me too!

Dongho: Ok! Let's go!

Soohyun: I'll greet Good morning to Tricia!

Kiseop: I'll go too!

Kevin: Me too!

Alexander: I'll give Camille a GOOD MORNING hug!!!!

Dongho: Let's go! Good luck Eli hyung!!!

~What will happen next??~

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