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~Kibum called Eli and tell him that they'll go there too....~

^Eli and Kc's side^

Eli: Ummm.... Kibum said that they'll go here too....

Kc: Owww.... Okie!

Eli: I don't like it!!!!

Kc: Ha?! Why?

Eli: I want this day just the 2 of us....

Kc: Oh.... It's much fun when your w/ your friend right?

Eli: Yeah but----

Kc: We're together now....

Eli: Oh yeah..... Hahaha! Let's play some games right now before they come here.....

~They played some games (alam nyo un? ung sa bandang dulo.... ung may mapapanalunan na teddy bears! LOL~

^Other members^

~Their riding a van......~

Ishi: Is it okay if we join their date???

Kevin: Yes ofcoures... they woudn't mind!

Irish: I think it's a little bit rude....

Dongho: No! We ask them right???

Irish: Hahaha!

Kibum: How about Tricia and Soohyun???

Allison: I'll call them.....


Tricia: Hello???

Allison: Unnie!

Tricia: Oh... Allison.... Why did you call???

Allison: We just want to tell you guys that we'll be going to the STAR CITY where Eli and Kc have gone!

Tricia: Oh! Okie.....

Allison: Well If you guys want to come just call us ok???

Tricia: Ok!

Allison: Bye!

Tricia: Bye!

^Tricia and Soohyun's side^

Soohyun: Who is it?

Tricia: Allison....

Soohyun: Oh! What did she said???

Tricia: She said that their going to join Kc and Eli at the amusement park.....

Soohyun: Oh.... You want to join them???

Tricia: You?

Soohyun: I don't want....

Tricia: Why?

Soohyun: I want to enjoy this day w/ you!

Tricia: *blush* really?

Soohyun: Yeah! How about we make a deal..... After Strolling here at the park.... Let's eat then we'll go to the amusement park! Agree??

Tricia: Agree!

~Well ofcoures.... They did what they agreed to do!~

^Kc and Eli's side^

~After playing....... Eli won a Teddy bear.... Well he want to gave it to Kc but the other members came.....~

Allison: Hey Guys!!!!!!!

Kc: Oh! Hi unnie!!!!!

Kiseop: What did you ride???

Eli: We haven't ride yet... We waited for you guys!

Ishi: Oh! Let's go then!

~Kibum noticed that Eli's holding a teddy bear!~

Kibum: Dude! Where did you get that??

Eli: I won it!

Kibum: Why won't you give it to her???

Eli: Im shy!

Kibum: Oh! I want one too.... Let's play!

~Eli and Kibum secretly play some games..... Kibum won a Bear too...~

Kibum: Let's give it to them....

Eli: Ok.....

~Eli and Kibum go near Kc and Allison...~

Eli and Kibum: For you *Giving the bears...*

Kc: Oh! Thanks!

Allison: Yeah! Thanks.....

Others: Ayyyiiieeeee.......

Dongho: Why didn't you tell us your going to buy gifts.....?

Kiseop: Yeah!

Kevin: That's not fair!

Alexander: We'll buy as well....

~They left..... Eli and Kibum didn't tell them that it's a prize from the games...~

Eli: Their crazy!

Kibum: Yeah! They didn't know that it was a prize from the games! haha!

Girls: *laugh*

Eli: So are we going to wait for them?

Ishi: Yeah!

Irish: They'll be angry if we didn't

Camille: So what are we going to do?

Danica: Eat??

All: AGREE!!!!!!!!

~What will happen next??~

HIDDEN SIMILARITIESTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon