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On that same night.... Kc and Allison came.... but it's already midnight!

Allison: Wow! Im tired!

Kc: Yeah! Im like a dead meat!

Allison: *laugh*

Kc: Stop laughing! haizzzz.... let's just watch TV for a while.....

Allison: Great idea!

*Kc turned on the TV*

~The first thing they saw was UKISS dancing SHUT UP!~

Kc: Oh! There song is really cool!

Allison: Yeah! And that guy is kinda cute! *pointing at KIBUM*

Kc: Wahhhh! I liked that one! *pointing at Eli*

Allison: Hey! I like that one too!

Kc: *Laugh*

Allison: Wait! Kc! Help me!

Kc: Why? what's happening??

Allison: I think i'm inlove w/ that guy! What's his name???

Kc: The one you point at???

Allison: Yeah!

Kc: Oh! He's KIBUM!

Allison: Oh! How did you know???

Kc: Why don't you look at the TV! Read it.... their name was indicated!

Allison: Oh!

~they watch TV the whole midnight.... They want to know all about UKISS!!!!~

Kc: Hey! Allison! Let's sleep!

Allison: Yeah! Im a little tired!

~They both go to bed.....~

^UKISS side^

~The boys were sleeping on that time.... But Eli was disturbed by the loud noise outside their dorm so he go outside for a drink~

Whoah! That noise annoys me! haizzzzz.... why don't they stop working??? it's already 1am..... haizzzz.....  Eli said in a low tone....

~Eli sat at the bench outside their dorm..... then All the members saw him.... they join him!~

Dongho: Hyung! You're awake too! that noise makes me angry!

Eli: Yeah! Well.... Were all awake now.... let's buy some ice cream....

Kibum: Ok!

~they all walk to buy ice cream~

^Back at G.S.S.'s side^

Kc: haizzzz.... I can't sleep....

*Camille and Irish woke up*

Camille: Oh! Kc! Why aren't sleeping????

Kc: I can't sleep...

Ishi: Well me too! Now that im awake!

Kc: Let's go out!

Camille: What are we going to do there???

Ishi: Go around???

Camille: Ok!

~The three of them go outside..... they walk, talk.... and more~

Soohyun: So.... what now???? we bought our ice cream.... what are we going to do now???

Eli: Let's stroll around.....

Kiseop: Gud idea!

~Kc saw Ukiss along the way....~

Kc: OMG!!!!!

Camille: Why?

Kc: Oh! they were the guys who Allison and i talked about a while ago! We saw them on TV!

Ishi: Well.... we are Idols too you know....

Kc: Yeah! but.... if they talk to us.... don't tell them that we are IDOLS too, ok?

Camille: Ok! *smiles*

~They just walk normally then Kevin spoted Ishi... that time.... Ishi, Camille and Kc were talking.... Kevin saw Ishi's smile~

Kevin: Hyung!

Kibum: Why???

Kevin: See that girl? *pointing Ishi*

Kibum: Yeah... why???

Kevin: When i saw her my heart beats fast!!!!

Kibum: Uh Oh..... Guys! Kevin's Inlove!

Soohyun: To whom???

Kibum: To that girl!

Dongho: OH!

Eli: Then go talk to her!

Kevin: No! I can't!

Dongho: Why???? Are you afraid???

Kevin: Me? Ofcoures not....  It's just that.... We are Idols remember???

Dongho: Oh.... Poor Kevin... *teasing*

Eli: Oh come on! your just gonna ask her for her name and cellphone #!

Kevin: No!!! *shouting*

Alexander: Haizzz.... Coward.... watch us! Eli come on!

Eli: Coming....

~Eli and Alexander came strait to the girls to ask their names and phone #....~

Kevin: Since their going..... IM Going too...

~Kevin Followed Eli And Xander~

Alexander: Hi! Can i know you name??? *talking to camille*

Camille: It's Camille....

Alexander: What a nice name!

Camille: Thanks.... *smiles*

~When Xander saw Camille's smile... his world stoped!~

Eli: Yeow! My name is Eli.....

Kc: Nice to meet you... *bow her head*

Eli: What's your name???

Kc: Kc.... I saw you at TV earlier....

Eli: Really???

Kc: Yeah!

~Eli enjoyed their conversation~

Kevin: Hi!

Ishi: Oh! Hello!

Kevin: What's your name???

Ishi: It's Ishi... you?

Kevin: Kevin....

Ishi: Nice to meet you Kevin....

~While they're talking.... Camille looked at her watch and saw that it's already 2:30 am!~

Camille: Oh guys...! We have to go now....

Alexander: Why so fast??? ok.... can you just pls give us your phone #?

Camille: Sure!

~Camille, Kc and Ishi gave their # and wave goodbye~

What will happen next????

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