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~After their CHESSY CHESSY moment.... The boys escourted the girls to their dorm......~

^Tricia and Soohyun's side^

Soohyun: Thanks for a wonderful night... I mean... Morning! haha!

Tricia: Yeah! haha! Your welcome..... Here's your jacket....

Soohyun: Take it..... It's only a remembrance....

Tricia: Thanks.....

^Kiseop and Danica's side^

Kiseop: So.... I guess.... It's gud morning.?

Danica: Haha! Yeah!

Kiseop: Thanks for dancing w/ me....

Danica: That's nothing.....

Kiseop: hope i can dance w/ you someday....

Danica: Yeah! i really hope so.....

^Ishi and Kevin's side^

Kevin: Hey!

Ishi: Yes?

Kevin: I have a great time talking w/ you!

Ishi: Yeah! haha! Me too!

Kevin: Really?!

Ishi: Yeah! *smiles*

Kevin: AIGOO!

Ishi: Hahahaha!

^Kibum and Allison's side^

Kibum: Hey....

Allison: What?

Kibum: Sorry about earlier....

Allison: Oh.... That's ok....

Kibum: Really????

Allison: NO!!!!

Kibum: Ha?!

Allison: Just kidding!

^Irish and Dongho^

Irish: Thanks for letting me sleep on you earlier....

Dongho: Oh! that's nothing..... For you....

Irish: *blush*

Dongho: *he cupped Irish's cheeks* So cute...

Irish: Thanks....

Dongho: Can i have one request???

Irish: What kind???

Dongho: Can i have a good night kiss???

Irish: Ha?!

Dongho: Nevermind... I'll do it!

Irish: Do what???

Dongho: *kissed Irish on her cheeks* Good night!

Irish: Good morning... haha!

^Camille and Xander's side^

Alexander: Thanks for a great night!

Camille: Thanks for carrying me.....

Alexander: That's nothing.....

Camille: Good morning OPPA!

Alexander: hahahaha!

^Eli and Kc's side^

Eli: Hey! Still mad???

Kc: Ha? Me? Ummmmm....

Eli: Oh come on! We can't see each other again... pls forgive me! *giving a cute look*

Kc: haha! so Cute!

Eli: So?

Kc: Alright.....

What's next??

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