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~Back to the story...~

~Well.. The boys pass by... But they didn't talked to the girls...~

Ishi: Oppa!

Kevin: *Snob*

Ishi: Kevin-oppa... Let me explain for a while...

Kevin: Explain what??

Ishi: Everything...

Kiseop: Uhmm... Kevin... We'll go now...

Kevin: Okay....

~The other members left...~

Ishi: Oppa... Mianhae... We didn't mean to get ourselves in that kind of trouble...

Kevin: Then why do you have to go there??

Ishi: Here's the reason... *taking a deep breath...*  At first... We didn't knew what Kc and Tricia unnie's planning... Us too... We're confused at that time... And we even got mad at them...

Kevin: Weo??

Ishi: Cause... They helped a guy who wants to date Irish... The thing we go to the mall cause we want to buy Irish a pair of Shoes... But then... They talked to us and we known That the guy who wants to date him was----

Kevin: Who??

Ishi: He's....

Kevin: Who?!

Ishi: Don't shout... Okay fine... It's Dongho...

Kevin: What?

Ishi: See? That's why we go there... To help him do his surprise... :)

Kevin: Where are they now...

Ishi: She's on her way at the park....

Kevin: Oh... Ok... *Then turned around and about to leave Ishi*

Ishi: Oppa! why don't you believe me?

Kevin: I believe you... :)

Ishi: Tsss... Now.. im the one who's not believing you... :'( *about to cry...*

~Kevin noticed it... He was about to face her But Ishi left w/ some tears falling from her eyes....~

~Ishi go to the rooftop to breath some fresh air...~

Ishi: *in her mind* Huh? Am I shedding tears?? Is that how much I love him??? NE!!! I love him this much... Will I cry If don't?? I wish he would understand... :) Brrr... Im feeling cold... *rubbing her arms...*

~While rubbing her arms... She felt a warm hug from her back....~

Ishi: Kevin...? *She turned around an dthen he saw a guy*

Ishi: What the?! You?! What are you doing here???

Guy: Why? Is it bad to visit you here???

Ishi: Uhmm.. NO?

Guy: Then why do you have to act so shocked?? *hug her* I miss you very much...

Ishi: *escaping from the hug* Leave me alone!!!!

Guy: I don't want!!! I love you! And you know it...

Ishi: Im sorry but "I DON'T LOVE YOU"

Guy: What?? Don't fool me... I know you loved me!!!

Ishi: Well... Im sorry... But you guessed it wrong... *Leave....*

Guy: You're not going any where.... *he's trying to kiss Ishi...*

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