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^UKISS and G.S.S.'s side^

Kibum: So when will be our flight back to Korea??

Sir Hwang: After 3 Months...

Tricia: 3 MONTHS LEFT???!!!

Ms Lee: Ne... That would be enough...

Ishi: Whew... 3 months??? We'll still have job here?? Like Interviews???

Ms. Lee: Nope...

Ishi: YES! *cheers*

Kevin: We can spend that 3 moths w/ each other!

Ishi: *nods*

Kevin: This will be FUN!!!!

~Ms. Lee stared at them...~

Ishi: Ms. Lee?? What's the matter???

Ms. Lee: Ohhh... Nothing... I just can't belive it that someday... I'll see someone who just met after a souple of week... They've been a couple... A sweet one... Not like a "STREET LOVE"

Sir Hwang: I agree!

Tricia: Then go find a person for you Unnie!

Soohyun: Yeah Noona! Haha! You don't have a boyfriend??

Ms. Lee: *raised her shoulders*

Kc: HA! *teasing*

Danica: Why Kc???

Kc: *tounge out...*

Allison: Yaaahhh! I think your Hidding something!

Kc: Huh? Me? Hide??

Allison: Kc... Don't lie...

Kc: Ummmm... *looked at Ms.Lee...*

Eli: Tsss... Come here... *he dragged Kc out of the door...*

Kc: Hey!

Ms. Lee: Haiiiizzzz!

Kc: Mianhae Unnie!

Allison: Someday... I'll know that secret! Hmmmppp!

^Soohyun and Tricia's side^

Tricia: Hey are you alright???

Soohyun: *shook his head*

Tricia: Hey are you sick???

Soohyun: *he didn't answer her... He just go directly to the lobby since there was no persons around...*

Tricia: Hey! Where are you going...

~Soohyun just continued his walk.... Then Tricia followed him and hold his hands...~

Tricia: Yahhh! Oppa? Are you mad??

Soohyun: No!

Tricia: Then what's your problem??

Soohyun: Mianhae... Tricia... It's just that... *tears fell*

Tricia: Oppa... Why are you crying???

Soohyun: I can't help it... I just can't handle this thing....

Tricia: Oh come on Soohyun *wipe his tears* We can do this Ok??

Soohyun: I hope! Im scared to loose you Tricia...

Tricia: Nado... So plssss... Stop crying... I can't bare seeing you crying... My heart breaks...

Soohyun: Okay... I'll try...

Tricia: Love you oppa!

Soohyun: *kiss her in her lips* Love you more!

Tricia: *smile*

^Back to the make up section^

Allison: Why is everybody walking out???

Ishi: They're doing some drama drama I think...

Danica: Yeah! Hahahaha! They are so dramatic!

Allison: Ummm... I want to eat... Im hungry... I have to eat... *she went outside of the room..*

Kibum: Yahhh! Wait for me! *followed Allison...*

Allison: What?

Kibum: Nothing... :))

Allison: Ohhh...

Kibum: Where will you eat?

Allison: I don't know yet... I think to the place where I wouldn't be recognized....

Kibum: I know a place! Come... Let's use our car to drive you there...

Allison: Ohhh... Okie...

~They drive off...~

^Eli and Kc's side^

~Well... Eli's still dragging Kc...~

Kc: Oppa... Where are we going???

Eli: *stopped from walking...*

Kc: Hayyy... Finally! My hand hurts...

Eli: ...speechless...

Kc: Ummm... Did i do something bad again?

Eli: *he answered her with a kiss...*

~It lasted only a seconds...~

Kc: Ummm... Ok?? What is that for??

Eli: *still not answering... he sat down beside the wall..*

Kc: *she sits down beside him...* Oppa... Mianhae... I really have to keep it... Ms. Lee will be mad...

Eli: Even to me... You will not tell?

Kc: Tsss... Okay Fine... I'll tell you!

~Kc whispered all...~

Eli: WHAT?!

Kc: See???

Eli: Ohhhh! So that's the big secret!

Kc: Mianhae! Promise! No secrets any more!

Eli: Promise??

Kc: *nod*

Eli: Kiss me first...

Kc: I don't want to!

Eli: Oh come on!

Kc: *tounge out*

~They continue on fooling around...~

^Back at the make up section...^

Danica: I want to sleep now!

Kiseop: Me too!

Danica: Let's go back to our dorm!

Kiseop: Oh sure! I'll escort you there!

Danica: Ok...

Ishi: I want to come..!

Kevin: No! Let's stay for a while!

Ishi: oh... Ok...!

~What will happen next??~

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