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~Well... They ate....~

^Dongho, Alexander, Kiseop and Kevin's side^

~They go directly to the mall to find some gifts...~

Dongho: Oh! Here's a good place to find gifts!

~They entered the store....~

Kiseop: Owwww.... Cute Teddy bears!

Dongho: I'll pick this one...... *picking the one that has an heart in the middle...*

Kevin: Me... I'll choose this one *picking the bear w/ a wings* 

Kiseop: Nice.... I'll choose this *picking the bear w/ rayban on it*

Dongho: You really like raybans aren't you?

Kiseop: Hahaha!

Alexander: I can't choose! I think..... Hmmmmmm......

Dongho: How about that one hyung?? *pointing at the bear where it has a name Xander in the middle*

Alexander: Whoa! My name is inserted!

Kevin: Nice!!!!!!!!

~After buying..... They ran to the place where they left the others but they didn't sight them!~

Dongho: Where are they?!

Kiseop: How would i know?!

~Then Kevin spotted the others eating!~

Kevin: There they are!

~They ran towards them.....~

Dongho: *talking while panting* Irish.... For you!

Irish: *Grab the gift* Here.... Drink.... *Giving Dongho a water...*

Dongho: Thanks!

Irish: .... Thanks for the gift.....

Dongho: For you.... It's nothing....

Irish: *blush*

Alexander: Here's yours Camille....

Camille: Thanks!!!! Whoa! Your name is inserted!

Alexander: Yeah! So that if ever we got seperated.... You'll always remeber me!

Camille: That's so sweet....

Alexander: *smiles*

Kevin: Ishi.... For you!

Ishi: *Opening the gift*  Whoa! An angel.....

Kevin: Haha! Just remember that bear is me.....

Ishi: *looked at Kevin*

Kevin: Im your guardian Angel!

Ishi: *smiles*  I'll keep that in mind!

Kevin: Good! Hahaha!

Kiseop: Danica..... For you!

Danica: *Opening the gift*  So cute!!!!!! I love Rayban!

Kiseop: You too???

Danica: Yeah! Haha!

Kiseop: Cool!!!!!!!!!

~Wow! HAHA! So cute! After giving the gifts.... They continue on eating!~

^Tricia and Soohyun's side^

~Their eating in a restaurant...~

Tricia: Fancy!

Soohyun: Hahaha! You think?

Tricia: Yeah!

Soohyun: Want me to sing for you?

Tricia: Sure....

~Soohyun borrowed the guiyar from the restaurant since there still no costumer yet......~

Soohyun: What do you want me to sing???

Tricia: Anything.....

Soohyun: I know! Here.....

~He sang That song ohhh.... ------------------------------------------------------>>>>>>~

~While Soohyun was singing..... Tricia's saying in her mind:...~

Tricia: Why am'i feeling this? When he's singing this song for me.... My heart beats fast! Oh no! Im inlove w/ him!!! How can i tell this to our manager???? I really can't understand my feelings! I can't breath.... When i'm looking in his eyes.... Im like dying.... Lord! Help me! Pls!!!!!! I think GOD really wants me to feel this way.... I miss being inlove! YES Soohyun! I LOVE YOU now! Plsss.... Stop making me feel this way! I might be hurt someday knowing that you didn't love me..... I don't want to be hurt.... Hope you're the ONE!!!!

~Soohyun stop singing....~

Tricia: Nice.....!

Soohyun: Thanks! After This we'll go to the STAR CITY to join the others....

Tricia: Okay! *smiles*

^Other member's side^

Eli: Where do you guys want to go???

Kibum: Horror House!!!!!!!!!!

G.S.S: What?! *shocked*

Kiseop: Great Idea Kibum!

Ishi: I don't want to go!

Kc: Me neither!

Camille: Me too!

Irish: Im scared!

Allison: Yeah!

Danica: I don't want to go too!

Kevin: Come on! Just for fun!

Alexander: Yeah!

Kc: Im still scared....

Allison: Yeah! Very scared!

Eli: Don't worry.... We'll be right w/ you!

Kibum: Yeah!

Ishi: Promise???

Kevin: Ofcoures!

Irish: No breaking of promises huh?

Dongho: Sure!

Camille: Ahhhhaaaiiii! Im really scared.....

Alexander: I'll be here.....

Danica: What if you leave us inside????

Kiseop: NEVER!

Kc: Okay FINE! But this will be the only horror house we'll be entering!

UKISS: Yeah!

~They Entere the Horror House~

~What will happen next???~

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