Day 18

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I was a golden child. I was a parents dream child what with perfect grades and a good reputation of being overall a loving, respectful child.




I need something to feel alive you know? I should be over you, you never liked me anyway. I don't even know how I'm writing as fucked up as I am right now being higher than a kite and drunker than my father ever was.

I broke into the school. I threw a rock into the window and set off the alarm. Yes, I am fucking dumb because every student knows that the back doors are unlocked but I never was rational with choices especially not now.

I honestly needed to find your locker. I just needed you and that's the closest I have. I can hear the sirens and see the lights through my tears as I sit on the ground with my slightly wrinkled paper in hand. I'm about to stand from the cold ground and put your note through the slit of the locker before they take me away to wherever I need to go.

Just know whatever happens,
I hate you so much.

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