Day 3

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    Normally, we would have talked about our day. I mean before everything happened. Lets talk about our day then.

Mine started decent. I woke up on time which is a big deal for me and got to school in good timing. I saw you laughing with your friends and for a second forgot I wasn't one of them. I continued on to my locker to find a sticky note in my locker with the word "whore" written in black ink. I stared at the paper and thought that somebody must have gotten the wrong locker.

My day continued slowly. When lunch rolled around I sat outside under the tree alone. I've gotten quite used to the quietness of it outdoors compared to how our table inside would sound. As I was heading in to throw away my garbage before the bell I tripping over someone's foot and landed hard onto the cement ground beneath me. I saw you. You laughed. I smiled lowly because your laugh will forever have that effect on me. More people are laughing though and I notice pain in my stomach. I stand and leave. God why am I so stupid around you. Either way, thank you for asking how my day was.

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