Day 14

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You're disgusting. Why would you ever do this? Why would you want to do this?

All day I was fine. The day was boring and slow but I was managing through. Lunch rolled around and I had a fasting day yesterday so I haven't eaten since two days ago. According to the website I should have a fasting day every three days. Pushing that aside, I was going to eat a banana for lunch with some celery. I started eating outside by myself and everything was good decent. That is until you came into the picture.

You and two of your friends pulled me into the bathroom and the side of the school that's rarely used. You pushed my face over the toilet and stuck your fingers down my throat caused me to gag. You did it over and over again until I have thrown up the very little I had eaten. You laughed and said "you're welcome fatass".

Then you left.

I was by myself and felt weak I laid my head on the seat not caring about what has been there before me. I started feeling dizzy but managed to stand up and look in the mirror. I still looked fat.

I got to class, of course the one you're in. I passed you a note.

"I forgot to mention.... Thank you"

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