"It's not funny." I groaned as I took a seat on the sofa in between Ally and Normani.

Normani smirked at me. "It is...thanks Mommy."

Andrea smiled and nodded. "No problem Mani, it was great seeing you all. Ally, sweetheart we're due for lunch soon we've got to have a talk. Dinah Jane I'd like to see my grand baby soon." She said as she started walking towards the elevator.

"Yes ma'am." Ally and I said in unison

"Love you ladies." She called out to us as she stepped onto the elevator.

"Love you too!" The three of us called back to her before she disappeared behind the elevator door.

I turned to glare at the dark skinned girl sitting to my left. "You called her here just to beat me with a magazine?" I asked.

She smirked. "Dinah. You're already an hour late. Let's get this meeting started I've got somewhere to be later on."

"So do I. So if you'd please? I've got a date with Lance later." Ally said with a smile.

"By date, she means they fucking." Normani said aloud

I snickered. "Leave her alone Mani. Alright so Ally anything new?"

She nodded. "You have a request to DJ at a strip club. The Hot Spot...the last DJ got shot."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Ally..."

"I'm not kidding. You're not going because I'm telling you that you're not but the owner knows how good you are and he sounded desperate so I told him I'd run it by you."

Normani scuffed. "Yeah, that's definitely not happening...hey can I ask you guys something?"

Ally and I turned to look at Normani. "Of course. What is it?" I asked.

She sighed. "Am I crazy for asking Camila to marry me?"

"No! Goodness Mani that's great. When?" Ally said with a smile.

"Yeah when?" I asked.

Normani shrugged. "Well I already have a ring I thought of asking where she and I met."

I rolled my eyes. "At Starbucks? Goodness I swear you are so basic."

"Fuck you Dinah. That's why Ally is my favorite person."

"She's everyone's favorite person. Look at her she's filled with sunshine, smiles and-"

"Sin. Let's not forget about that...you know I still can't believe that you're sleeping with Lance. My cousin Ally? Really?"

"You slept with Dinah's cousin for a whole year even though you knew that the whole football, basketball, and chess club ran through her...maybe even a few of the teachers. But that's none of my business right?"

I busted out laughing at the look on Normani's face. "Damn. Mani you're just going to let little Miss Sunshine destroy you like that?"

"Run through traffic Gordon Jr. Okay Ally, you didn't have to go there. Please don't be one of those bitchy pregnant women because I will ignore your ass until the baby is born."

Ally smirked. "Zendaya and Normani sitting in a tree...F-U-C-"

"Alright! I'm sorry gees. I know that Lance is a great guy. Plus you guys are cute together but people change and if he hurts you I'm killing him." Normani warned.

Video Vixen. (Laurinah Fic) [Completed.]Where stories live. Discover now