Chapter 18

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Sqaishey's POV:
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I am so tired from last night's concert, it was amazing. Looks like I better get ready for school, I can't wait to see my boyfriend Stampy and my other friends as well. I walk over to my wardrobe and grab out my dark blue dress with a white bottom and I put on my brown belt along with my black slip-ons. I then do my hair in a waterfall braid and then go downstairs for breakfast.

At school, normal POV:
Martyn was the first one out of the group of friends to school. He then sees Dan and waves him over.
"Hey Martyn" Dan yawns
"Tired still?" Martyn asked.
Dan nodded. They talked until the rest of the group showed up.
"Last night was amazing" Stampy stated
"Yeah sure was" Netty agreed.
"Hey guys look what's coming up next week" Lee said pointing to a poster that was on the notice board
"The school talent show our winner for the whole time she had been here has just left the school since she finished here" Amy explained.
The bell rang.
"Come on guys, let's get to class before we get told off for being late" Squid said and they ran to their classes.
James, Ash and Snake had Art; Tom, Nicole and Finnball had ICT; Sqaishey, Martyn and Dan had HPE; Stampy, Netty and Lee had Maths; and Amy and Squid had English. They all then met up after classes at the cafeteria.
"I can't believe you threw paint at Josh, Ash that was hilarious" James laughed
"Well, Ms Formossa was being very boring so I wanted to have a little fun" Ash stated
"Except you got after school detention for it" Snake stated
"Yeah but that's the only negative"
"Typical Ash" Tom said and earned a punch in the arm by Ash.
"Ash, your in enough trouble already, don't cause any more" Nicole laughed
"Yes mum" Ash said sarcastically
"Well Nicole does have a point" Finnball stated
"So how long is your detention?" Sqaishey asked
"Only for today" Ash said.
"Um guys don't look now but look who's coming over" Martyn warned.
They all turned around to see Heath, Casey, Ricky and Bianca heading towards them.
"Oh good god" Dan whispered.
"Well hello losers, I see you have accepted David into your pathetic group" Heath said.
Squid was a bit scared and moved closer to Stampy who he was sitting next to.
"Just leave us all alone Heath, we want nothing to do with you" Netty spat
"What ever, any way David, I'll see you in Science" Heath laughed and walked off with the group.
Squid gulped. It was now time for classes. Luckily Lee was in Squid's Science class. They were doing different experiments in science that day. Squid and Lee were making a fog tornado. They were doing well until Heath started to bother them. He more likely wanted to bother Squid rather than Lee. Heath had made a hover craft and kept flying it past them. It would have a different message on it every time but one in particular made Squid snap. One of the messages said Tom was a bald loser. Squid grabbed the hover craft and broke it into peices and stomped over to Heath. "Don't you ever call my brother that, ever!" Squid yelled at Heath who was smirking and put on his best acting when the teacher came over.
"Ms Meder, David broke my hover craft for no reason at all" Heath said.
"David, detention this afternoon" Ms Meder stated.
"What! But..." Squid started
"No buts now get back to your work"
Lee felt sorry for Squid but stayed quiet when Squid walked back over hanging his head and mumbling.

From now on, the pictures you see at the top are of the characters who start off the chapter.

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