Chapter 11

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When it was home time. David went the back way to his house and climbed through his window. He had set up a ladder and would hide it from hi parents. He didn't really feel safe around them from yesterday. David felt lonely, he wondered where his brother was but didn't want to ask his parents. He texted Tom to find out where he was but didn't get a reply, even when he waited for ten minutes. He then got a text from his mum asking where he was. He didn't want to reply but, when his mum kept texting him he told her he was in his room. She then came upstairs but David hid because he was scared. A bully he used to be but now, a scared little boy.
"David, where are you?" Diane asked
"I'm here but don't come any closer" David said peeping his head out from under his desk.
"David don't be silly come out from under there"
"No, you'll hurt me like dad did"
"David, I'm sorry that we did that to you yesterday, please come out, we won't hurt you anymore" Diane begged and David came out showing his full body.
His mother got a proper look at him now that he was standing in front of her and hugged him seeing the bruises that his dada had given him and the black eye.
"Oh David I'm so sorry, did your dad give you that black eye as well?" Diane asked
"No, it's from Heath, I left there group and I'm no longer a bully but in this result, I have no friends"
"Oh darling, please don't cry, I hate seeing my little boy upset"
"Where's Tom?"
"Oh um, your brother, he stayed home today since he wasn't feeling all that well and he's in his room" Diane lied about Tom not feeling well
"Can I see him?"
"It's really bad and I don't want you catching it so, I think you better stay away from him for a little while"
Squid gave his mum a  confused look. He wanted to see Tom but listened to his mum and they went downstairs. Tom had isolated himself in his room and had continuously been crying all day, not ever coming out. His phone had loads of texts from Squid and Tom's friends asking about him but he didn't reply.

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