Chapter 6

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It was now Thursday and Stampy woke up to a text from Lee saying
'Hi Stamps, can't wait to see you at school today and everyone else as well'.
Stampy replied
'Same here, hopefully David doesn't bother us today'
'Yeah hope not, ok now let's get ready for school'
'Ok bye Lee' 'bye'.
Stampy put on some pants and a green shirt and then went downstairs to eat and joined Netty at the table and then when they finished they left for school.

Tom's POV:
I'm just waiting on Squid to get ready for school so we can leave and as per usual was taking his time and he was grumpier than ever but he isn't in my good books at the moment either. Finally he came downstairs and we left not saying a word to each other. Our parents kept on asking why we wouldn't talk to each other but we would always change the subject, well I would, David would just walk into his room. We finally reached school and I could see Amy waving at me. David walked of to see the other bullies at this school, he always chooses the wrong people.
"Hey guys" Tom I greet
"Hi Tom, ready for another day of school torture?" James asked as I approached the group
"Yeah but I have my favourite class up first, ICT"
"Woah same here for the rest of us" Ash said
"Is David in that class as well by any chance?" Snake asked annoyed
"Yeah he is unfortunately but you'll be surprised at how much he pays attention, he's like a complete different person" The others except Nicole all give me weird looks.
"Yeah it's true, he would all ways be bugging me about assignments and tests we'd get in the subject, it always annoyed me" Nicole explained.
"Ok, I can't wait to see this" Finnball said
"Well let's head there now" Sqaishey said walking into school and we followed.

Just like Tom and Nicole had said, David was not slacking off, he was paying loads of attention and would answer every question, he was like a whole new person.
"You were right, he does pay attention" Martyn said.
"It's the only subject he gets A's in or any high mark" Tom stated.
Soon the double period ended and they went to the cafeteria. Squid didn't bother them that lunch time, in fact he wasn't bothering anyone, he was busy with ICT homework.
"What's your brother doing?" Dan asked Tom
"The ICT homework, he does it straight away, he's weird but I admire my brother for that" Tom said as he ate his sandwich
"Who knew a bully could be such a nerd" Stampy sated.

Where Squid was his friends were trying to get him to do something.
"Come on Squid, you can do that later" Heath complained
"I need to get this down now though, just leave me be" Squid said getting back to work.
Heath then pulled out the USB which had Squid's work on and the program turned off.
"Hey! Give me that back!" Squid yelled grabbing for the USB but missed.
"Let's go do something then I'll give it to you, ok, or otherwise I'll delete everything on the USB"
"Fine then" Squid gave in and shut his laptop and followed his friends to Netty's bag.
"What are we doing?" Squid asked
"You are going to hide Annette's stuff" Casey explained tossing Squid the bag.
Squid then tossed the bag on top of the lockers.
"Really, is that all you got?" Heath questioned
"Well where else is there to hide the darn thing?" Squid asked.
Heath then tossed the bag in the trash. Squid was a bit shocked that Heath did that.
"So, can I have my USB back?" Squid asked
"No, you can't have it back" Heath said then walked off but then was tackled by Squid.
This got people's attention.A boy named Kyle recorded the boys going at each other. Soon Squid had grabbed the USB and then ran off as a teacher was coming.

That afternoon Lee was checking his email when he found a video which had been sent viral to everyone that went to Heckmondwike Grammar Sshool and the title was 'School Bullies Go At Each Other During Lunch' and Lee clicked play and saw that David and his friends Casey and Heath were tackling each other on the ground and weren't playing around and then David ran off at the end. He then texted the video to Tom to tell him.

Tom was in his room and then got the text that Lee had sent him and was shocked at the video. His brother was not going to be pleased. He then walked to David's room and knocked on the door. David then said come in and Tom opened the door.
"David can I show you something please? You might want to see this" Tom asked
"Agh, fine then I have to get back to my ICT stuff, I don't want to fail the subject. When David saw the video his eyes went wide. "Turn it off!" David yelled and Tom did so. "I'm going to kill Kyle!" David yelled and kicked the nearest thing which was a bin he had in his room.
Tom knew to leave and so he left his brother to be angry alone.

The next day Tom woke up early to get ready for school and found a few hairs on his pillow but thought nothing of it and got dressed. As per usual he'd wait for David then they would leave for school, arrive and then go their separate ways. "Hey did you guys see the video?" Amy asked
"Yeah I did, they actually beat each other up, Squid and Heath and Casey, I never thought I'd see the day" James stated
"Me neither and I'm new here" Ash said.
They then went to class. Squid, Heath and Casey had gotten revenge on Kyle that morning by beating him up and he said he wouldn't do it again ever. At lunch time Squid felt like messing with his brother for some reason so why not. He went into his brother's locker and wrote the word loser on a piece of paper, shut the locker then left. When Tom opened his locker he saw the piece of paper and recognised the hand writing and knew it was from his brother and was really annoyed but went to eat lunch.

Ash's POV:
We were all eating lunch and the only one missing was Tom until I saw him at the doors of the cafeteria and waved him over.
"What took you so long Tom?" I asked
"Nothing, other than I'm just annoyed at my brother, he thinks he's always the best" Tom explained
"Well if he's bothering you Tom, don't listen to David, just ignore him" Snake suggested
"Yeah I'll try that"
I looked over at the other side of the cafeteria to see David looking at our table and then he walked off, he has been doing that the last few days, don't know why.
"Earth to Ash" Nicole said to me waving her hand in front of my face
"What?" I asked
"What were you staring at?"
"It's nothing, have any of you realised how much David has been looking at our table the past few days?"
"Um, yeah I guess he has been looking at us a lot lately" Finnball agreed
"I wonder why?" Sqaishey asked herself
"Probably to cause trouble, that's what he does" Martyn stated
"Maybe, or there might be a different reason" Dan says
"As if" Stampy denies leaning back in his seat.

Squid's POV:
I hate how Nicole chose those idiots over me, Gorr I hate them so much but they get along really well together, all of them do, Squid what are you thinking, there losers you can find better friends than them.
"Oi Squid, come over here" my friend Ricki called me over to sit with her and my other friends, if you don't know who Ricki is she is a really popular girl in school and you wouldn't want to mess with her, that was exactly how Nicole unposed to be but now...
"What were you staring at Squid" Ricki asks me
"Oh just those losers" I admit
"Didn't they like take your girlfriend away from you?" Bianca asked me, (Bianca is Heath's girlfriend)
"Yeah they did, and I hate them for that" I say getting angry.
"Come on, I've got a plan that we could use to get revenge" Heath says standing up and we follow him.
"Choose three targets but not your brother" Heath orders
"Amy, James and Ash"
"Ok, now let's go to their houses now" Heath says leaving school and we follow.

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