Emotions Laced With Secrets

40 18 5

We poets band together - 

Speaking words of hidden meanings

Only ones of poets may secretly understand,

As our emotions are so far laced through each painful word.  

N/a- I had a comment posted to one of my poems saying that my my poems are like a book of an autobiography. Well, reality is they are, this is the closest anyone will ever come to knowing my emotions, or my life, or anything.
My poems are my emotions secretly laced through painful words. Each poem has a secret meaning. I don't write a poem without a reason, some more evident than others, whereas some, people would never be able to see. Yet deep down, I know, I know what made me write it, I know the true emotions conveyed through my words.
Sometimes only a poet would understand.
Either way, I thought that kind persons comment was quite true in reality, as my poems are a autobiography of my life.

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