The Good Times Kill

142 57 23

Her biggest fear was drinking from the bottle

Once she is to take her first sip, she'd be forever gone

Living within the bottom, of the whiskey bottle,

Addicted and drowning herself in her sorrows... 

N/a- I watched this movie the other day that was on, an it really shook me... It was of this chick who acted as though she was normal; happy, cheery, has fun, goes out for 'casual drinks'... So plot twist, as she ends up in an alcoholic place, she says they've made a mistake, anyways she has her flashbacks of her 'perfect' life an then as the movie progresses we discover that shes an alcoholic an the flashbacks happen again but the 'real' ones... So of her living off the bottle, never being not drunk... Anyways, the movie sorta scared me a bit... So this poems based on it, sorry for the spoiler of the movie.

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