Everybody Elses' Happiness

54 21 10

Is it just because my own life's crumbling apart,

That I see everyone's life shining bright?

All while mine is growing darker by the day

As the tears continue falling down, drowning me slowly. 

N/a- Life isn't sunshine, rainbows an lolly-pops, whoever the f@ck says it is, 'oughta be shunned from the world, cause that it sure ain't an they shouldn't be giving false hope to no one. 
Yeah, it ain't hard for people too see that today's such a sh*t day for me. Oh why you ask? Not only is it my one month (shock horror I know) but yet what a better way to spend it than alone? Oh fun! Yet, 'ma bestie bruh is off spending his 'one week anniversary' with his chick, an yep, spending mine alone. yipee. what I always wanted. 

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