Actions Speak Louder Than Words

99 42 3

He whispers his commands against her neck;

"Now remember little one, not to tell anyone.

His words have scared her soul, rendering her forever mute,

All as his hands take away every last piece of her sweet innocence...

N/a-  This is back to the topic of sexual assault an sexual abuse... This one is of a victim not being able  to express their emotions or being able to talk to anyone as they are told never to tell, an then they are made to feel its their fault an whatever else... 

People need to stop treating this as a taboo subject, as its not! We need to make this more aware an help those who need it.. If you wanna help spread the word an bring justice to those who deserve it, follow my joint account bringskarmatoyou

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Four Lines Of Insanity (#wattys2016)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ