Losing A Life, To Gain Another

122 45 15

I hear her soft faint cry,

Right as my own heartbeat starts to die

I hear their distressed wails "Please don't let us loose her too..."

With the world slowly becoming nothing but a distant blur...

N/a- They say, that sometimes a person has to die before another can be born... 

I wrote this poem after hearing about a mother that had been in a accident caused by a drunk driver who was also on drugs. The innocent lady was pregnant, but this the paramedics didn't know, I don't know the full details. But somehow it was discovered she was bearing a child, so they were able to save her daughter, but sadly the mother died... This year the little girl turns 2 without a mother, being raised by a single father. This poor girl and her father will always have the reminder that on her birthday, her mother had died, from a stupid, inconsiderate drunk driver... 

To many times I hear an see, or go through, people (innocent people) being in accidents caused by people either being drunk, high on drugs, or as simple as texting an driving. 

When you decided to drink, think of the innocent person your going to kill, an how their life an families life will change...

When you deicide to take drugs an drive, think of the children of the mother your going to kill going that red light... 

When reading that text, can't that person wait two minutes till you reach your venue or would you prefer the guilt of killing a innocent person... 

I'm sorry for such a long write up, but It breaks my heart, over an over, hearing stupid idiots, who don't think about anyone else but themselves, as they kill other innocents... 

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