Lost Souls

43 20 2

It hurts to say life goes on

Especially when something so malicious happens

You lose a piece of you, dead deep inside,

No one can ever fill that hole, or replace what they stole.

N/a- Continuing with the sexual abuse an sexual assault topic, as its not one that should go unnoticed or talked about. It is going to be a continuous issue, something I would never wish or want upon any person ever. 

For everyone, victims an for supporters for people who have endured this, you must remember to stay strong, if you give in, the perpetrator is wining, they are getting as they want, hurting you further. I know this is a horrible, probably not helpful way at all, but, please remember, everything happens for a reason, those reasons are sometimes so stupid an horrible an so hard to figure out them, but for people of victims, its made you who you are today, its made you a stronger person. There isn't any way of going back an changing it, but you need to learn to be able to accept what happened to be able to overcome it... 

~Always remember~ 

This is not something that is a taboo topic, we live in the 21st century, everyone needs to band together to take a stand against offenders. 

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