The Savior of The Broken, The Beaten, and The Damned

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***Devon's POV***

"Thank you and come again." I handed the girl a small coffee. I checked my phone for the time. It was only 1PM. I still had two hours more. How come the only place hiring 18 year old's is Starbucks? I mean I worked at the whitest store ever. I took a sip of the coffee I bought. I looked over at my boss who was at the other cash register. We didn't have enough employees to have one person at every cash register.

"Hello. Can I have Double Chocolate Chip Frap." A girl walked in. She had beautiful red hair and was wearing a dark black jacket. It looked the black parade jacket, but that was impossible because Gerard wasn't selling that. I smiled at her and handed her the drink. She gave me her credit card. I looked at the name.

"Perry Way? Like Gerard Way?" escaped my lips. Shit. How could I have said that. I looked up to see if she heard me and sure enough she did.

"Yes...I'm their cousin. Please don't tell anyone. Gerard doesn't want people to know because they will treat me differently." I backed up and my mouth dropped. She was related to Gerard Way.

"I see. I love Gerard so it surprised me that you are related to him." I told her truthfully. If I had any chance to ever meet Gerard it would be through her. She smiled and nodded.It was quite obvious she didn't want anything to do with me. I handed her the credit card and she walked over. How could I have just let her escape my grasp like that?

"Devon, who was that?" my boss asked. He was one of my closest friends now. Now that might sound lame, but I didn't have any friends so I talked to my boss. He didn't seem to mind and he wasn't Mr. Popular so we went together well. He would tell me all the drama that went on at Rosemont High. I graduated a year early because I skipped a grade early on. I was saving enough money to go to college. I had gotten scholarships, but not enough to pay for the whole college. My boss would give me extra money if I stayed late. I had almost enough. I didn't mind not going to college though. No one my age went so it would be weird and I wanted to go with my grade.

"It was no one." I lied. He wouldn't give two shits. I went back to work and checked the time once again. It was around 2PM now. The time seemed to speed up a bit through the rest of my shift. I wanted to stay late tonight, but it would be awkward asking. As soon as my shift was over I headed home. There was no use in going anywhere.

"Hey dad." I said as I walked in the house. There was no answer, but he was in here somewhere. I ran through the kitchen and straight into my room. I went straight to the computer and searched 'Perry Way' on Facebook and sure enough there was a photo of her. I looked on her page to the best of my ability.

"Hey Devon." My dad poked his head into the room and smiled. I smiled back.

"Hi dad. How are you?"

"Good. Chinese good for dinner?" I nodded at him and headed back. I looked back at my Facebook page and friend requested Perry. I had low hopes of getting an acceptation but if I wanted to get anywhere I would need to. She accepted almost immediately.

"Yes." I whispered under my breath. She messaged me.

Perry- Hi

Devon- Hello

Perry- Who are you again?

Devon- Starbucks girl

Perry- Oh, hii :P

She was a sweety and we talked for the rest of the night. I felt happy talking to her and we talked for a very long time. I found out she just moved to my town and if staying here for quite some time. I also found out Gerard was coming in a week. That meant I had a full week to get and know this girl. We arranged a meet-up by Saturday and I couldn't wait. It took forever to roll around, but Saturday finally came. I headed straight to the meeting spot an hour early and hung around. We were right across from the mall so I headed in and got a coffee from the closest Dunkin Donuts.

"Hey! Devon!" A familiar voice yelled. I turned to see Perry rushing towards me. I smiled and waved. She was wearing a bow in her hair. I couldn't help but notice the Black Parade jacket that she always seemed to be wearing. She was wearing some white shorts underneath.

"Hey Perry. How are you?" I adjusted myself so Perry could slid next to me on the bench.

"Good and you?" she did exactly what I thought she would and sat next to me.

"Great. I'm happy we could finally talk in person. Facebook and texting are good, but sometimes I feel like it can take over someone's life." I continued. She nodded.

"Frank always says the same exact thing. Whenever we hang out, he won't allow me to text unless it's family." She commented. Frank Iero thought the same way I did? Could it be a dream come true?

"That's interesting." I was intrigued and wanted to hear more. We made small talk about the stores around.

"So, any boys you like?" she questioned me. I was startled at this unexpected question.

"No, I'm not really a social type," I answered, "and you?"

"I'm actually dating a boy named Zach. We have been dating for a few months now and it seems to be going well." There we go. This beautiful young woman had a boyfriend. How could I not call that?

"So Gerard, Mike, and Frank are coming tonight and I really want you to come," Perry started, "But you can't go fan-crazed on them. They are humans and liked to be treated like that, so pretend that you have no idea who they are." My mouth felt like dropping, but I wouldn't allow it.

I was going to meet Gerard Way, Mikey Way, and Frank Iero.

Savior:: Frank IeroWhere stories live. Discover now