Chapter 43: Us

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It had been just over a couple week's since Emilee's emotional breakdown. Crying herself to sleep had become part of her nightly routine but now she let Patrick and Ellen comfort her when she cried. The days seemed to flow seamlessly. She was connecting with both of them on a deeper level than she had before they had their family heart to heart.

Patrick looked out at the sun setting above the ocean. the sparkling rays danced across the water. The salty ocean breeze refreshing him a little more with every breath. He sighed lightly as he watched his daughter building a sandcastle. This situation became more and more complicated. Each day brought a new challenge. His new found friendship with Ellen had added an extra layer of complications. For starters they were making parenting decisions together constantly, which in turn meant when they weren't together they were calling or texting.

"So I'm thinking about getting a condo, or a house somewhere in the city."

"Really," Ellen answered softly.

"Yeah, I just feel like Emilee and I are tip toeing around that house. It feels like she's visiting. Her room is still filled with boxes of Jillian's shit, I'm terrified to paint the walls. I'm sure she feels like the minute my 'real' family returns we'll forget about her again."

"Are you planning on leaving Jill?" She asked knowing she was on the brink of intruding.

"I'm not planning on anything.." Patrick exhaled heavily, "but let's be honest, do you actually think a marriage can overcome this?"

"I do," she said gently, "I think a good marriage can overcome anything. It was years ago, and for all anybody knows it could have been a one night stand." Ellen laughed, "essentially it was a one night stand."

"No it wasn't," Patrick admitted.

Ellen smiled, "You're not helping your cause here, Dempsey."

"Are you going to stay with him?" Patrick intruded.

"Damn," Ellen said biting her lip and fighting back a smile. She looked up into his dreamy eyes. they consumed her like usual, setting her soul on fire. 

She swallowed hard and looked out at their daughter. Sadness spread across her face and she shook her head. "I've been done with my marriage for a long time. My lie was a lot bigger than yours."

She sighed, "hell all of that aside my marriage was over 7 years ago, or none of this would have happened."

Patrick didn't press Ellen any further. "That's a good point," he gave her a nod. A moment passed, "I think I'm going to do it.."

"Buy a condo?" Ellen asked unsure.

"Yeah," he nodded. "It makes sense to be prepared for the worst."

"I suppose so," Ellen took a drink of her water.

"You think I should?" Patrick said looking for her to support him. She was the only one that could these days.

"Yeah," Ellen agreed sincerely, "I think it would be good for Emilee," she paused "for all of us actually."

A moment of silence passed between them as the considered what a strange twist of fate this reunion had brought. Patrick realized she'd just referred to the three of them as us. Us, as in a family. He smiled lightly to himself. Although they were as unconventional as any family could probably be, it was still nice to hear her say it in that way.

"Would you come look at a few places with me?" Patrick asked apprehensively.

"Of course." Ellen answered.

Emilee looked up at Ellen and Patrick sitting together in the sand. The spark between them was suddenly clear and she realized they loved each other. Not once loved, but still, even now after everything they'd been through, had an unbreakable connection.

She had grown tired of building sandcastles but didn't want to interrupt them just yet. Emilee peered over her freshly built tower at her parents. She pretended to perfect the walls of it but instead was caught up in the way Patrick made Ellen laugh. It made her own tummy tingle with butterflies.

The thought of the future was heavy on Emilee's mind, and though she was too young to comprehend or even consider the events that were to come; she was for the first time hopeful.

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