Chapter 9: Unknown Connections

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Standing in a daze of disbelief and complete confusion at the actions of her husband Brittany clutched the blanket that was draped around her chest. She tried to back track to the exact moment where she saw even so much as a glimpse of change in him, but ended up with nothing. Never wanting to admit it to herself that the "change" she saw in her husband was simply him snapping back into the man he used to be before he married her and allowed her to suck him dry of the man he truly was.

The sound of Beethoven's iconic compassion symphony no. 9 beamed from her cellphone that sat on the charger on their night stand, throwing her out of her daze. Jumping for the phone almost confident that it was Chase realizing the big mistake he made and calling to apologize she grabbed the phone and exhaled in disappointment once she saw that it wasn't him. Staring down at the flashing photo of her two years older than her brother she wondered what he wanted to talk to her about since he barely ever called her, still upset and hurt by the events that just took place she did what she did best and put on a front answering the phone with a smile that only she could see.

"Hey Thomas how are --"

"I have to talk to you about something Britt." Tom replied cutting her off wanting to get passed the small talk that he knew his younger sister was attempting to start.

Hearing the tone of his voice she grew uneasy wondering the exact reasoning  behind her brother calling her.

"Is everything okay?" Her voice had concern written all over it with the question. Silence fell between the two phones as Tom thought about opening the can of worms and pouring it all over his sister's marriage and life. Once Mya asked him to find out all the information he could about Chase Dawson's wife which was his sister  and to try his best to add her onto her client list, it wasn't hard for him to see that Mya had been and was still in love with his estranged sister's husband. Although blood is thicker than water Tom's loyalty stood with Mya his family had always idolized and placed Brittany on a pedal stool despite the fact that he was two years older than her. Being the product of their father's affair he was always treated as the unwanted step child rather than the son that yearned for attention and love from his parents, but instead watched them give it all to Brittany. The two Growing up in a home where he felt like he wasn't apart of the family caused him to resent them all especially Brittany, refusing to attend her wedding he sent a clear message that he was no longer going to put up with being  treated as second best.

"Hello? What is it you want to tell me?" She added wanting to know what he had to tell her.

Debating on whether to break his loyalty with Mya and tell his sister about her sudden curiosity about the wife of Chase Dawson and possibly lose money from the backfire of it all once he lost the beautiful prostitute as a client who provided him with extra money on the side by being her on call lawyer to keep his lavish house in the pricey city of Vegas or let his desire to crush his sister's world once and for all lead him to jump the gun before having enough information to hurt her. 

Mya & Saboara

Mya bit her bottom lip and moaned out in ecstasy as she rode the face of yet another politician who had a thing for the sweet nectar of her palace. He slurped and sucked on her pearl causing her to go into an uproar of moans as she arched gripped his salt and pepper hair beginning to grind on his tongue making sure he didn't miss a spot as she acted as if she was having an orgasm. Faking was her expertise and with a career like hers that was all apart of the job, in order to keep them coming back you have to let them think that they are putting in major work. The over weight man laid there as she climbed off of his face and elegantly placed her dress back on standing at the end of the bed she stood with her back turned towards him and held her hair up waiting for him to zip her into her dress, rushing to be her aid and to have another reason to touch her sexy brown body just one more time before she left he did so.

"Thanks, Jacob." She smiled sweetly sliding her feet into her 6inch heels.

"No, thank you." He replied with his Louisiana accent as he handed her a stack of cash that equaled out to a total of 6 thousand dollars. Noticing that the wad was heavier than usual she looked at him oddly wondering what the extra cash was for.

"It's been two years since I found out about you Mya, and I swear having relations with you has done nothing but put me in a better mood and helped me with my campaigning." His face was still red from the position he had her in mounted on his face.

"Just don't forget about me when you make it to the white house." She replied placing the wad into her purse pumping his ego a bit before she left.

"I have to become senator first!" He laughed feeling the ego boost that he loved to receive from her as he watched her sashay away and out of the hotel room door for the last time until his next appointment with her.


"Saboara I bought some Chinese for dinner I don't feel like cooking, How's your lip doing is it going down?" Mya yelled placing the bags onto the counter waiting for the response of her new guest Saboara. Raising an eyebrow to the silence she placed her finger on the button to the intercom that lead to every one of the bedrooms in her large mansion figuring that Saboara was sleep due to the pain medicine she received from one of Mya's doctor clients that swore to keep his knowledge of the incident away from the police as asked by Saboara.

"I have foooooood." Mya cooed into the intercom jokingly knowing that if anything that would get her out of bed. Once she didn't receive a reply from her she proceeded to the front door and checked to see if she had missed that her car was not out front or in the driveway, noticing what she didn't notice before was the empty spot in the 6 car garage where Saboara's car had been sitting for an entire day, since she sprung up on her in the middle of the night badly beaten and raped. Where the hell is she at? She thought as she dialed her phone number swiftly ready to find out exactly where Saboara was. She was worried about her, the attack was still fresh and for all she knows her ex could still be looking for her. She knew exactly how Saboara was and she knew that knowing her she was letting her emotions take control of her instead of thinking with her head and giving herself time for her mind to clear from the drama that occurred.


Ignoring the vibration of her phone from the constant calls she was receiving from Mya she sat in her car outside of her apartment and anticipated the arrival of Ashley once she got off of work. She had every intention on confronting Ashley about telling Calvin about her where-abouts that lead to her rape and attack the night before. Although she knew that she did not tell Ashley about why she left Philly in such a hurry and moved out to Vegas to be a roommate to her best friend she felt as if she should have known better than to disperse information about her without asking her first.

Peering at her reflection in the mirror she raised her large sunglasses and checked out the condition of her eye, noticing that the swelling was gone but the huge black and purple ring around it was in full effect. Sucking her teeth out of anger she forced the images of Calvin thrusting on top of her as she screamed and squirmed on the concrete begging for help out of her mind. Just as Mya had expected Saboara was acting off of her emotions, going into this situation she had no plan she just wanted the answers to her questions as for why Ashley would do such a thing, but she would be looking for the answers in all the wrong places. Someone is going to pay for what happened to me... She thought to herself as she saw Ashley's car pull into the parking space across from hers.

Saboara ducked down in her seat once she saw that Ashley wasn't in the car. Instead was her abusive boyfriend Jay, and Calvin. Her heart began to race uncontrollably as she watched the two men continue on in what looked like to be a heated argument between the two. 

The wheels of her mind began to turn, as she quickly figured out that Ashley wasn't the one who informed Calvin about her where-abouts. Jay was. From the looks of it the two well-acquainted with one another, sexually or platonic-ally she couldn't tell.  All she knew was that instead of one nigga to kill she now had three. Pulling out of her space she headed home where she would give herself time to heal and plan so when she decided to strike she could hard and strong.

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