Chapter 12: Paying Your Dues

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Calvin "Cal"

The foot steps of two men seem to bounce off the brick walls of the empty warehouse. The only light was the combination of a construction light, and the natural lighting beaming in softly from the full moon. The large glass windows weren't covered from the inside, but the surrounding area didn't consist of a neighbor for five miles. An ideal location for dirty businessmen to take care of, business.

Their business attires consist of steel toe boots, that matched with their all black sweat suit. Naturally Twan took the lead as he made his way across the space to a large steel door, which was protected by a six digit access code. Taking a second to cover his bases he peered over his shoulder to check the distance between he and Cal.

"Aye, gimme five feet bruh." Twan snarled.

As asked Cal took a few steps back, exhaling a sound of irritation from the pit of his chest.

Twan took the first steps into the pitch black room, illuminating it with the flick of the switch, closely behind was Calvin. Closing the steel door behind him it beeped confirming that it was once again, secure and locked. Taking a walk down a dimly lit hallway, Twan couldn't help but to notice blood smeared across a portion of the brick wall in the hallway. Stopping in his tracks he dug his large hand into his pocket and pulled out a flashlight. Cal grew inquisitive about what it was that grabbed the attention of his right hand man. Stepping closer to the wall his eyes slanted out of confusion, laying his eyes on two long red strands of hair glued to the wall with blood. Twan broke his stare and began to trail the remainder of the wall with his light, looking for more. Once at the end of the hall they were greeted by a flight of steps, the old wooden steps creeked loudly as the large men made it down to the basement of the warehouse. Glancing down at the steps it was obvious that termites were a problem, Cal made a mental note to take care of the pest problem.

Fuzz stood from the metal chair that sat guard outside of another door once he heard the footsteps on the staircase. He carefully placed his hand on his holster awaiting the reveal of the persons behind the sounds he had been hearing from above. A smile spread across his face as he loosened the grip on his glock and extended his arm out to dap Twan. "What's poppin Boss?" Fuzz said through his slanted teeth. A disgruntled look covered Twan's face as he accepted the dap from his longtime friend, Fuzz. Twan had met Fuzz in a juvenile prison once he was convicted of strong arm robbery, and intent to sell. The young fourteen year boys clicked almost immediantly, Fuzz being a regular to the facility took Twan under his wing. Throughout the four years that Twan spent incarcerated he had concocted a number of plans with the help of Fuzz. With their release dates months apart from eachother it was Twan's responsibility to get the ball rolling on the operation once released. Only three months before his release date Fuzz caught a charge, after attempting to get his girlfriend to smuggle contraband inside of the prison. Being eighteen at the time, he was tried as an adult and transported Northern Nevada Prison until he turned twenty three years old.

Calvin and Fuzz exchanged head nods, the two men only exchanged words with one another when it pertained to the business. The men weren't well acquainted with one another at all, accepting that the only thing they had in common was their respect for Twan and their greed.

Fuzz entered an access code in yet another locked door, and swung the steel door open effortlessly. The three men were greeted with the overpowering smell of urine and feces as they entered the dimly lit room. There were six cots and a small t.v that made the room, the lack of air circulation, and natural lighting made for a prison environment. Six naked lifeless bodies of women were tied to the beds with zip ties by their hands and feet. Incoherent to what was going on around them due to the sedation that they are constantly under to make shipping easier.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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