Chapter Fifteen

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There was silence. 

It was punctuated only by my heavy breathing, as I dropped to my knees and let both swords tumble from my hands. There was a ringing sound, and I pressed my palms to my ears to drown it out. Instead it grew louder, but I was smiling.

I'm sure I appeared insane. Kneeling at the side of a dead man, clothes soaking in the blood of the man I had killed, a smile playing on my lips while I covered my ears. 

Perhaps I was insane. I've been told that before. 

Revenge is sweet. I contemplated that, trying to drown out the buzzing that only I could hear. 

"Jacqueline?" Cass' voice, timid, accompanied her hand on my shoulder. I let my hands drop, and I looked up. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, standing. "I'm fine. Is anyone..." I glanced around, dreading the answer. 

"No," She replied, tucking her bright, red hair away from her face. It was a different shade than Sutcliffe's -- less like fire and more rosy. "Besides...him."

I gave his corpse a glance. "That's rather graphic, isn't it..." I shrugged off my jacket and draped it over his body. "There. I don't want to look at him." 

She grinned suddenly, cocking a hip. "It is over, you know. You're free, I suppose?"

"From what?" I inquired. "I didn't know I was imprisoned."

"Him," She gestured at Taylor. "He won't screw with us anymore. But I have a question for you," She spun, whipping a pistol from her belt and pointing it at Ronald's head. "What is your purpose here?" 

He grinned, hands up in surrender. "Whoa there, sweetie."

"Good question," I nodded and knelt, retrieving my sword and pistol from Sutcliffe's belt. I ripped my locket from his neck and pocketed it, feeling less heavy as I did so. "You all gonna kill off my crew?" 

"Goodness, no," William rolled his eyes. "We're returning to our world, obviously -- right, Ronald?" Ronald flinched and swallowed audibly at the warning in his companions voice. 

"Of course," The blond muttered, grumbling. "We'll take our leave, now," He said to me, waving his arm. The crew gathered around him shifted, looking as if they were preparing for something. "It was lovely meeting you and your beautiful friend, Jacqueline," He winked at Cass, who flushed several shades of red. "Bye bye!"

I blinked, and they were gone. So was the Shinigami, disappearing without a trace and leaving only ripples in the water. 

"Eric," I called, turning. Was Eric okay? Where is he? The questions flooded my brain, turning my stomach slightly. 

"I'm here," His quiet, calm voice reached my ears and I visibly relaxed, smiling. He was behind me, several feet away, his eyes penetrating me like only Eric's could do.

I sheathed my father's cutlass and smiled, drawing myself up to my full height -- not that my full height was very impressive. "In that case, Eric, as my first mate I expect you to gather the injured with some help of your choosing and -- where's our surgeon? There you are, go with Eric. Cass!"

She jumped to attention. "Yes?"

"I know there's a rather low chance of this, love, but please search the ship for any abnormalities," I frowned at the thought of someone harming the Pearl. "I don't know what happened when I left for the Shinigami world and I hope that they had enough sense to not mess with what I have here. Take someone with you."

"Aye, aye," She saluted with a lopsided smile, and turned. As she turned to gather some extra hands, though, she flushed as many eyes fixed upon her.

Immediately the ship was alive as my crew worked quickly. There weren't any fatalities, from what I could see. I would ask Eric, later. 

I flushed at the thought of my first mate. What were we now, exactly, I wondered. 

"Jackie," Shima appeared beside me, grinning. "Did you see Alan's ankles? Ha, I gave it to him, I did..." 

I smiled, ruffling his hair. "I didn't but I'm sure you did better than I could've, love." I scanned his queer attire. "Should we find you something less weird?"

He gave me a once over and scowled. "Speak for yourself."

I elbowed his side, announcing that I was extremely fashion forward, and led him to the stairwell leading below decks, chatting animatedly. 

I was struck with the sense that everything had returned to how it was before, yet different.

Later, I stood beside Eric at the helm of the Pearl, closing my eyes and feeling thankful for the salt in the air and the tip of the deck beneath my feet. "I never want to leave again." 

"Never?" He asked quietly. 

I turned and wrapped my arms around him, mindful of my bloodstained clothes but uncaring. "Never, ever, love. I'd like to stay with you." 

He smiled. "I'd like that as well."


This was really short but I had nothing else to add. Anything more would be ridiculously forced on my part, lols

So next chapter is an epilogue, and after that a very emotional author's note, I think. Then this series will come to an end ;(((

I'll see y'all next chapter, I've got anime to watch XD

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