Chapter Eight

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"Jacqueline," Eric murmured. Louder, he said, "You know of this. Please, enlighten Cass and I."

"You killed my parents," I whispered, staring at Taylor. "They were on your Death Note and you killed them."

He tilted his head, the smile never leaving his lips. He chuckled. "I killed your parents."

"Tell me they fought back."

He leaned forward, bracing himself on his desk. "They were asleep, and I killed them."

He killed them in cold blood.

Jack and Adeena are dead because of him.

I fucking saw red.

I was faintly aware of someone grabbing me as I lunged across the desk, screaming curses in multiple languages, eyes wet. Someone dragged me backward, and I kicked at them, panting and letting out dry sobs.

"I was eight," I choked out, staring at the floor. "You took them from me."

He walked forward, swinging something at his side. I didn't care what it was. He leaned down to my level, as I was crouching with someone holding my arms back, and peered into my eyes. "I took them, didn't I?" He pouted, and then smiled. "But the red color was so nice. I'd like to paint you the same."

"Shut up!" Eric roared from somewhere to my left. I frantically struggled so I could see him; he was being held by another member of Sutcliffe's crew. Cass was in a similar situation, but she hung limp and merely watched with fire in her eyes.

"Eric," I whispered. I didn't know he could even be that loud.

"Now, let's see what remains of your ship, shall we?" Taylor grinned, grabbing my collar and jerking me up. "And I'll be taking that." With a small laugh he ripped my baldric from my waist and took my pistol.

"Give them -- back --" I hissed, straining forward.

"They were your parents', right? Oh well," He threw them over his shoulder, then yanked away my locket. "This was Adeena's. I always liked it, let's see," He clasped it around his own neck, "Much better." I trembled with grief and fury. "Now," He looked to his crew. I now noticed that they were Shinigami as well; their eyes were a bright, fluorescent lime. "Come along, Carlos, Even. Bring them."

Eric, Cass and I were dragged out of his cabin and onto the deck. I let my anger simmer beneath my skin, seeing my crew held in similar fashions to us.

But no one was dead. I relaxed, but glared at anything that moved.

"Was there a battle?" Cass asked Ron in a frighteningly even voice. He had strolled up to us, all cocky.

"Yep!" He replied cheerily, swinging a stained cutlass at his side. "They fought well, but...we've lived longer. We've had more experience."

"Shinigami are immortal," I said, staring at the ground. "They can only be killed by a Scythe, or Sickle, whichever you prefer."

"She's smart, knew I liked her," Ron beamed at me. William, standing at his shoulder, gave him a dry look.

"Captain Sparrow, naive girl she is, has subjected you to defeat!" Taylor Sutcliffe sang, sauntering to stand beside me. I glanced down at what he had been carrying; it was a Scythe, silvery and reflective. "Now, she's going to do me a favor!"

"I'm not," I called defiantly.

"She is," He snarled, delivering a kick to my side. I held my breath and only let out a pitiful grunt. Eric growled somewhere behind me. "Or more of your...women shall die."

Quarter - The Final Installment In The Adeena Cole SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now