Chapter Eleven

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Guess who we see this chapter! *squeal* And sorry for the wait!


I used to have nightmares.

They stopped a few years ago, when Eric became my friend. He was like a counselor.

But I can remember the dreams -- they were terrifying and real. And sometimes they reoccur. Like that night when I was seventeen.

I was aware, the entire time. I was screaming for my eight-year old self to stop -- stop moving, Jackie -- don't go in there -- don't

I thought it was odd Jack hadn't come in and threw something at me to wake me up yet. He usually did that, whether it was a shoe or a rag, and I'd get mad and then mom would pop in and laugh her head off.

Stay in bed, Jackie don't move stop

But no one had come to throw anything at me today. I sat in bed an extra ten minutes before sitting up and padding to the door, peeking outside. The majority of the crew was still asleep, likely counting it as a blessing -- Adeena hadn't came storming down and yelling at them yet.

You too -- sleep in -- don't

I jogged upstairs, curious. Maybe mom and dad were still snoring away. They didn't do that often, but sometimes mom convinced Jack to lay there with her.

Go back to bed -- Jackie, don't open that damn door

I knocked, pressing an ear to the door. There wasn't a sound.

Jackie, stop -- I don't want to see --

Were they gonna scare me when I opened the door? I cautiously pushed it open, peering inside. It was dark and silent. No quiet snores or breathing.

It's because -- no, stop -- wake up WAKE UP

I stepped inside. "Mom? Jack?" Jack didn't like when I called him dad. It made him sound old.

I don't want -- WAKE UP

"I'm coming in," I sang, giggling. I walked forward and squealed as I slipped on the wet floor.

No no no no

Water? It was sticky. I furrowed my brow and touched it to my tongue.


It was metallic.


I knew what it was -- oh god -- what --

Jackie, GO TO BED

I ran for the window, letting the curtains fly aside and the light streamed in, revealed a room drenched in red, red so much red everywhere it covered the floor and soaked the sheets

I screamed. I screamed and screamed and screamed and realized the window was shattered and Jack and Adeena were missing -- the glass was bloody -- they were gone -- someone took them -- and I was crying and waiting for it to become a joke but it never did because



I was seeing it again -- it was starting over. I didn't want it, go away


I woke with a sob, latching on to the hand Eric had extended and pulling him into the bed with me. He held me silently as I sobbed into his chest, mumbling incoherent wishes, telling him -- telling him how I had to watch. Every night for years I'd had to watch myself find that red scene. Find it over and over again.

Quarter - The Final Installment In The Adeena Cole SeriesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora