Chapter Fourteen

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"Shima?" Sutcliffe exclaimed.

That's when hell broke loose.

I believe that Shima dove at Sutcliffe, who dove for me at the same time Eric did. They knocked heads and fell to the side, all tangled limbs and loud, angry swearing. Shima grabbed my hand and jerked me to my feet, stepping forward -- and suddenly we stood at the helm of the Shinigami, gazing down at the mess that we had accidentally created.

My chest swelled with pride at the sight of my crew breaking free and fighting, using anything nearby to charge the Shinigami plaguing my vessel.

"Jacqueline, you're the smart one," Shima declared, "What the hell do we do?"

I gave him a look. "Who said I was intelligent -- oh, you know what, I am, you're right. Um, maybe we..." I glanced around. "I need a sword. You have your Scythe, don't you?"

He raised a hand and twirled his fingers, the Sickle manifesting in his hand. "As always. But..." His grin fell. "I don't want to kill anyone."

I nodded. "You won't. Aim to injure -- the ankles, arms, bash 'em on the head." I glanced back to the battle unfolding on the deck below, and clenched my jaw. "I'll take care of Sutcliffe."

And, remembering my mother doing something similar before diving into a mess like this, I snatched Shima's Scythe and took it to my hair, just above my shoulders.

"Good luck," Shima said, jerking his weapon out of my hands with a miffed expression. With a grin, he turned on his heel and promptly disappeared.

"I shall need it, thank you," I said to thin air.

Recalling the mission, I vaulted over the railing, landing on someone's head and knocking both of us to the ground. I luckily landed on him, rather than the other way around, and winced as his temple thudded against the floor.

"Sorry, love!" I chirped, jumping up and taking his sword. I looked the blade over with a wince. It wasn't what I was used to -- long and thin, reflecting the sunlight.

But it would do, as demonstrated when I spun around and parried a blow from a man I recognized as Yoshio.

"Captain!" He gasped, drawing back, guilt reflected in his angular eyes. "Gommen!"

"At ease, soldier!" I declared, pushing past him and aiming for the man in red. Then, I remembered: "Yoshio, they're killable."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Take their heads," I called, "It's gross but effective." When he didn't move, I barked at him, eyes flashing. "Do you doubt your captain? Go fucking defend yourself!"

He leapt to attention, grinning. "Aye!" With renewed vigor, he turned to jump back into the fray.

I didn't stick around. Muttering death threats in Siren, I pushing ducked under cutlasses and dodged bullets, keeping an eye on the red coat easily distinguishable among the browns and grays.

"Taylor!" I snapped, nearly tripping as I maneuvered around a Shinigami. "Eric!"

They were, rather comically, going at each other with fists and knives, despite the swords slung into their baldrics. Sutcliffe's eyes flashed and glinted as he jabbed at my first mate, who narrowly lost his arm as I made an appearance beside him.

"You idiot!" I shrieked at him, jerking the dao from his belt and blocking Sutcliffe before handing it to him. "I love you but you're an idiot!"

"So are you!" He shot back, clean, upper class accent thickening as he glared at Sutcliffe, who retrieved his own twin swords. "Get away!"

"He killed my parents!" I growled, sure my eyes were my own shade of brilliant green. "I will have his head!"

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