Chapter Ten

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You know those moments they write about in books?

When time stops for a few short seconds. Usually when something monumental is happening. Everything slows and you see things in bright focus.

That's not real life. Eric's sword takes a fraction of a second to plunge forward and pierce First's cloaked chest.

First chokes and falters, squinting at the blade with wide eyes. Eric stood his ground, sneering. It was almost scary to see such an expression on his usually apathetic face. 

But to our dismay, First smiles.

"I'm immortal," He laughs hoarsely, gazing not at me, but Eric. I studied his acidic eyes carefully. A hint of sadness flickered in their depths for a brief moment. "You can't kill me. No one can."

That's not true, I thought fleetingly. The Death Note. We need to get our hands on it.

"Watch me." Eric replied coolly. I felt a rush of affection for him.

First smiled. "They say love is powerful, but..."

Eric glared and withdrew his sword. I frowned at the pair, curious to First's odd words. Then, frustration filled my chest.

"First. You better listen to me." I stomped over to the pair and shoved myself in between their chests, glaring at First. "I have dozens of men and women waiting in the...human world, whatever, and they want to live. I have children on my ship. I want answers. I want to murder Sutcliffe. I want you to somehow find me a Death Note that will serve as yours --"

"Stupid girl." He shook his head, stepping back and staring at the hole Eric had driven into his chest. There was blood; the wound was messy and I didn't doubt it was painful. I didn't doubt that had been Eric's intention. "He wants mine for a reason. I can't be killed by any Death Note. It needs to be mine. And I'm not giving it to you."

My hands fell to swing at my sides. "There has to be a way. Please."

First looked beyond me to Eric, who stood behind me as usual, his presence quiet and demanding. "I wouldn't know. I don't know everything, you know -- they don't always let me See." He trailed off slightly. "You could check the Library, I suppose. See your mother. She's smart." He giggled.

My breath left me. "...what?"

"Are you deaf?" He cracked a grin. "Heh. It's true she doesn't really exist. She is made up of memories and what she knew before she died. I haven't seen a Life play out in a while...I forget what it's like."

"I to her?" I whispered. "And Jack too?"

He hummed. "I suppose you could. It would be dangerous, obviously, but you like danger, don't you? Like I said, I wouldn't know. No harm in trying, hm?"

I could see my mother.

"Are you serious?" Adeena asked Jack in a laugh. "You're pulling the 'protective father' card?"

Jack shifted uncomfortably. "That makes me sound old."

Adeena laughed again and hugged me unexpectedly. I squealed. "You're so weird, Jacqueline -- you can't marry the Pearl." She referred the question I had asked before, the one Jack had cut into with a sharp 'no'. "She belongs to Jack."

I raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were married to Jack?"

She winced. "That makes both of us sound old."

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