Chapter Nine

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I had expected the First Shinigami to be intimidating.

Of course, I am a hard person to intimidate -- I am practically fearless, besides my ridiculous distrust of rum and my intense dislike of spiders -- but I had expected at least the lead God of Death to terrify me.

Eric and I were sadly disappointed.

The First Shinigami was not broad shouldered and burly. He was tall and lanky, with white hair cascading down his back and past his waist, and his bangs hid his eyes from view. He was cloaked in black, and decorative chains hung around his neck, along with colorful beads on green twine. He was sitting upside down in a tall-backed chair in the center of the room, humming an unfamiliar tune and staring at the ceiling, twiddling his thumbs.

A smile spread across his face, very young despite the color of his hair, and he peered at us through his fringe. "Heh, hello." A scar ran from his jaw to his nose, clumsily mended.

Eric and I were stunned. "Hello?" I blurted.

He righted himself and rested his chin on his fist, gazing thoughtfully at us. The smile continued to play on his lips. "Why hello, humans! Welcome to the humble land above the clouds and beneath your feet. I am First. How can I help you two poor souls?"

I swallowed my rude words and cleared my throat. "Hi. Um, I'm Captain --"

"Oh, I know who you are," He blithely waved a hand, "You're Jacqueline. And you are Eric!"

Eric was immediately suspicious. "How do you know our names? We've never met."

First let out another giggle, pointing a long finger at us. "Why, I look into your eyes and see all the answers I need. I'm the First. I'm special."

The First what? I wondered. The First Shinigami to ever live? The First to die? To reap?

I was curious. "What else can you do?"

I couldn't see his eyes but I felt them burn into me. "I can see your Life, Jacqueline, and I can also reap your soul if I do desire."

I realized that despite his absurd appearance, we were dealing with a dangerous man.

"No thanks." I said quickly. "We came with a request."

"Oh?" He hummed, tilting his head. His white locks fell away to reveal one stunning green eye.

"Oh is correct, sir," I said with a smile and flourish, regaining my bearings. "Eric and I came to request that you give us your Death Note."

His gaze leveled out. "I see." My smile faltered.

Eric piped up, in his usual even tone. "We were sent by Taylor Sutcliffe."

"I know." First said, eyeing him. "I'm not giving you anything."

My heart sank.

"Sir, you have to understand," I said, only allowing a hint of desperation to creep into my voice. "He has my crew. He's probably killing them as we speak. He killed my parents. Sir, please --"

"I know everything." He stood, walking toward us. "I told you I can see your Life. I can also see his. And I know of Taylor. I was at the trial. I met your mother."

I broke off, staring at him. "You? Adeena?"

"And your father," He smiled, "But we didn't speak. We didn't give him permission, heh."

"What...what did she say?"

"A lot of unpleasant things," He grinned. "But we came to an agreement. Sutcliffe was banished. She didn't want him dead for some reason. Odd, considering her character."

Quarter - The Final Installment In The Adeena Cole SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now