Chapter Five

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I was at the helm with Eric, arguing quietly to whether or not seagulls were a nuisance (I insisted they were majestic creatures with purpose) when Cass came trapesing up the gangplank and onto the deck.

"Jacqueline!" She demanded fiercely. She fell back slightly, meeting the stares of the crew with flushed cheeks.

"Cass," I waved. "Hello, how do you do?"

She hurried up the stairs, her pixie cut bouncing. "You are leaving!"

"Uh...yes?" I raised my eyebrows.

She shook a finger at me. "I knew it." She said, sounding resigned. "You didn't come to say goodbye, espece d'idiot!"

"Oh. Bye." I said smartly.

She rolled her eyes. "I came to ask you a question."

"Ask away," I said. "Oh, Eric. Could we continue our discussion later?"

He glared at me, nodding. I was winning our debate.

After he had stormed off to no doubt come up with more weak arguments, I turned to Cass. "I had a question for you, as well."

She glared. "You could have asked before leaving!"

I shrugged, grinning. "But here you are."

She rolled her eyes. "Fine. You win."

"I always do!" I beamed, linking arms with her and leading us down the staircase. She eyed the hand I had placed on her arm suspiciously. "Now if you'll permit me to ask this of you, Cass, I would be absolutely tickled if you would do me the honor of joining my crew."

She blinked, turning to stare at me. "Your crew? Of the Black Pearl?"

"No, the bloody Flying Dutchman," I said sarcastically. "Yes, the Black Pearl. Would you? I know that you performed as a top man on your previous berth."

She slowly smiled. "I'd love to, Jacqueline. When would you like me aboard?"

I let her go, spinning on my heel so we faced each other. "As soon as possible!" I said. "In fact, we are making way this afternoon, so I would be snappy..."

She scowled. "You could have asked sooner!"

I beamed. "Yes, well, it only just occurred to me. Oh, and," I paused theatrically. "We'll be heading for the Ring of Fire."

Her eyes betrayed her shock. "Why? Why would you go to such a dangerous place?"

I rested a hand on her shoulder, going for the over-extravagant comfort that Jack would use on me. It used to annoy me to death. "Because, darling, adventure calls! I presume you were present at the meeting and you're only pretending to be worried?"

She looked cornered. I'd known Cass for a while, and one of her greatest assets, and an annoyance to me, was her ability to lie; to lie and act so easily. I envied her. "Yes, I know...I was testing you. I do it without realizing, Jacqueline."

I grinned. "And I love that about you, darling. Now do me a favor and get back here as soon as possible with your bags in tow -- I have things to brief you on."

She smiled, her eyes sparkling. Today they were a silvery blue, and her choppy wisps of red curled around her face. "Merci, Jacqueline, à plus tard." She waved, and was off again, shrinking back under the stares of the less modest crew members. She was beautiful, after all.

I shouted for them to "move their flea-bitten hides before I made them". They yelled ayes with renewed fervor. It amazed me how insulting a man can snap him into action. My mother had that thoroughly mastered, with both the ladies and gentlemen. 

Quarter - The Final Installment In The Adeena Cole SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now