09: XOXO Gossip Girl

Start from the beginning

Luna hopped off the counter, "What are you talking about?"

Because Derek never said anything about the whole nosebleed situation to her before, didn't even mention it again until this very moment. When she'd asked him about it on the phone, he seemed stressed but didn't give her any further details other than the fact that it was unusual. When he met with her in person after she and Scott battled the bald Alpha, he still didn't explain. Yet, it somehow seemed like he'd known all along.

"I wasn't sure until the elevator, but it's clear that you somehow have a sixth sense for myself and Isaac," Derek explained, and as Deaton finished securing the wrapping on her hand, he hummed thoughtfully at the new information as well. "That night when you couldn't sleep, you were sensing that something was wrong, right?" She nodded slowly and Derek continued. "That was the night Isaac was hurt by the Alphas. It wasn't just worry you were feeling; you were directly sensing that something bad happened to him when it was happening. So if that sixth sense is for your pack, then it should extend out to Erica and Boyd as well. Maybe you didn't realize it when they were hurt before, but you definitely would have felt it if Erica died."

But Luna still wasn't convinced. Sure, it was an interesting discovery that she was somehow connected to Isaac and Derek on a deeper level, but it somehow just felt like Derek was grasping at straws trying to make sense of a terrible situation.

"But Derek, if what you're saying is right, then I wouldn't have felt anything," she told him after a moment, shifting uncomfortably. "Because..." She trailed off, counting to three before trying again. She didn't want to be the one to give Derek a reality check but it had to be done.

If not her, then who else?

"Because Erica and Boyd aren't even in your pack anymore. They left, remember?"

There was a heavy silence then. Isaac's shaking seemed to completely stop, and Scott and Stiles looked unsure all of a sudden. Deaton's eyes darted up from his notepad to watch what was happening closely, and Luna held her breath.

Derek's shoulder tensed up completely and his eyes turned colder than Luna had ever seen before. His fists clenched so tightly at his sides that Isaac flinched back, raising his knees from the edge of the table to hold them.

Before he could do something, like maybe punch Luna in the face or something equally as anger-fueled, Scott quickly stepped between them. "We need to focus on rescuing Boyd." He said firmly more to Derek than anyone else. He stood strong and confident while everyone else seemed to cower away from Derek's anger. "Maybe it was Erica talking to Boyd, or maybe it was someone else. Like the girl on the motorcycle, the one that saved Isaac."

He turned to look at Isaac and give him an encouraging smile until the boy relaxed and uncurled. Much like a parent protecting a child, really.

Isaac shook his head, dismissing the idea immediately. "No, she wasn't like us. And whoever was in the vault with Boyd was."

"Well, then it has to be Erica. Who else is a werewolf in Beacon Hills?" Luna quickly interjected. It wasn't that she really believed it, but it was more to see Derek's rigid anger melt away. Thankfully, it seemed to work. Derek relaxed ever so slightly, looking a lot more thoughtful than angry.

Stiles' eyebrows furrowed and he straightened up as he considered Isaac's words. "What if that's how Erica died?" He said suddenly, and Luna shot him a sharp look because just like that, Derek's shoulders tensed up once again, her prior agreeance with him completely forgotten. But Stiles just continued on, clearly unable to read the room for the life of him. Just another one of his many amazing attributes alongside his sarcasm and bluntness. "They, like, pit them against each other during the full moon and see who survives. It's like Werewolf Thunderdome." He suggested, making everyone stare open-mouthed at how barbaric that was.

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