*SPOOKY WEEK SPECIAL* Don't Let Me Be Gone ↣ Phil

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Suddenly, his voice changes back to normal. He flickers back to Phil for just a moment.

"N–No!" Phil says desperately. He stops pacing and turns to you, reaching out for you. "Stay! Please! D–Don't leave me alone! Don't leave me alone!" He screams.

♪I want to be known by you♪

"Phil—!" You cry, grabbing his blackened hand.

Phil squeezes your hand tightly before his arm slowly falls limp, and he lets go.

♪I want to be known by you♪

He emits a short cry of pain before doubling over and squeezing his eyes closed.

"Phil!" You scream. You jump up off the couch and kneel beside Phil, who's crouching on the floor.

No matter how much you want to, you cannot hold him.

He will hurt him more if you hold him.

♪Though I'm weak♪

Phil sets his jaw. His eyes are still squeezed shut. One hand is on the floor to keep his balance, and the other is clutching his shirt, right above his heart.

His neck is still pale, unlike his hands.

That will change soon.

It will take over all of him soon.

"(Y/N)—" he gasps. His eyes still remain closed. "—Help me—"

♪and beaten down♪

But then he grits his teeth and whips his head up to you.

When he opens his eyes, they're blood red.

A small, quiet scream escapes your lips, and you push away from Phil, falling to your back.

Your prop yourself up on one elbow and stare in horror as the final black markings begin to peak out of his shirt collar. The darkness—like a thin black paint—spreads across his collarbone. It races up his neck, seemingly eager to take control of another mind. Another body.

The only sound in the small lounge is your and Phil's heavy breathing.

"K–Kill...him..." Phil breathes.

At first you can't tell who's speaking: Phil, or him.

But the voice. The deep, unnatural, inhuman voice that seems to pound in your ears like a bass drum. It makes your heart beat faster and your bones shake and your blood run cold.

It's him.

It's over.

He has won.

"Phil..." you whisper. "Phil...no..."

Tears stream down your cheeks as he slowly stands, shaking his head and tightening his muscles.

He cranes his neck and looks down at you.

"Phil, please."

Dan and Phil Imagines (Requests CLOSED!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt