Close death.

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"What's the name of this movie again?" Agatha asked as she threw some popcorn in her mouth.

"Indescribable." Nick answered as he placed the disk on the player. He smirked a bit knowing that it was horror. And that Agatha feared such movies. He went back to the couch and cuddled in the blanket with Agatha and made himself comfortable.

"What genre?"

"Horror," he said, then laughed sinisterly making Agatha laugh a bit. Forced laugh.

"Ooo.. I'm so scared." Agatha said with a smug on her face. She knew she was scared, but she tried to hide it.

The beginning gave her a bit of some chills.. But she shook it off. Then when one of the characters was decapitated, she let out an involuntary scream. Nick looked at her, smirking. He spread out his hands signalling that she could come into his arms any time she wanted. Comfortable, she thought as she smiled.

Just then, Nick held up her chin, forcing her to look at him. They looked at each other, a long time. Finally, they kissed. "Forget about the movie." he thought as he held her closer. She didn't resist even one bit.

Her phone started ringing. She ignored it. When it stopped, she didn't even bother. It started ringing again. Though it didn't ring for a long time. She reached out for her phone to see who the nincompoop was.

Before she actually got to her phone, there was a hard knock on the door, which persisted.

"I'm coming!" Nick shouted as he walked wearily to the door. Meanwhile, Agatha was checking her calls and texts. She was shocked to see that it was Max calling her. And he left a voicemail;

Max: Agatha, help! Just got out of Clawdene's place. I'm at some random bushes nearby. I'm hiding from this.. this.. animal. It attacked me and I honestly don't know where Clawdene is. You told me you're at Nick's, right? I might come. Or rather just pick me up on your way."

She was stunned. He sounded hurt and was breathing heavily. She turned to the door only to see Nick helping Max in. She shot up and helped set the couch for Max to sit. When he finally lied down, she ran for a first aid kit and a glass of water.

He drank the whole glass as Nick nursed his cuts, bruises and scratches. Agatha checked his neck. You can almost guess what she saw.


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