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There was noise everywhere. She almost couldn't hear herself think.

"Emergency room, stat."

She heard someone say as she felt herself move.

"Excess loss of blood. Fracture. Possible brain damage."



"Not sure. But possibly."

She tried to opened her eyes. She couldn't. She should have healed by now. Her legs weren't moving. Her toes were all tingly. She tried to open her eyes again.

The light! The blinding light!

Her eyes went shut almost automatically. Almost. She was on a bed- at least she could feel it- and she was moving, fast.


But... No.. She couldn't go to hospital.. Why did Arsen have to come when everything was going so great? Why did he want her down? Why does he always have to meddle in her life?..

Then they entered a room. She squinted her eyes a bit. Yep. Hospital. She should just wake up and run. But she couldn't. Though she wished she could.

The nurses were setting her up with some injections and wires and whatever they were sticking and putting on her skin. Kinda painful. But not too painful. She didn't even flinch, although she couldn't count the needles.

Then suddenly, darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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